Hi there, I was diagnosed with endometriosis after a laparoscopy back in April. I've been struggling with daily pain since and was wondering if people had tips on how to manage it? Still new to all of this and currently going through a flare up, thank you x
Pain Management: Hi there, I was diagnosed... - Endometriosis UK
Pain Management

Hello Elizabeth
I’m currently going through a flare up at the moment too. I currently have 2 hot water bottles, co-codamol, ibuprofen and plenty of rest. They just help to take the edge off.
I hope you feel better soon xx
When I used to get flare ups I was hospitalized and put on strong pain relief. My last flare up was March I was on cocodamol that used to help. You need to take it as soon as the pain starts. I had my lap in august and not had a flare up since march. Water bottle is also temporary and helpful.
Strong meds, water bottles and tiger balm x
Sorry to hear your suffering combo of strong painkillers I also find buscopan help, hot water bottles/baths plenty of rest and I also use a mini tens machine when things get a bit tough xx
I have a couple of flaxseed microwave bags that I swear by. The ones I have I purchased off an Etsy seller and they are segmented in strips so the insides stay evenly distributed. I find them better than the wheat ones I've had in the past. Mine are unscented due to scent allergies and sensitivities but lavender is really does help with being able to relax if you are not put off by the scent.
I tried a tens machine and found it helped in the beginning but now, even on the highest setting, it doesn't help anymore. My pain levels have gotten worse though and that may be why, or it could be that I was using it so much it stopped being effective for me. It did save my sanity for a while though.
When at its worse, and heat and strong pain meds are not enough, I resort to distractions like game challenges on my phone that can be timed (crosswords, word games, picture puzzles) and set myself up for short challenges lasting only minutes each, over and over. Sometimes it is a matter of over loading by multitasking several things, mentally, because the pain stops me from being able to focus on one thing alone.
None of it solves the issue but I wish you luck. Some people have found help through acupuncture, reiki, and specialised massages but they can become expensive avenues to go down.
Wishing you luck and success in finding what works best for you.
thank you so much for this, I've found that it's definitely a case of working through different options to see which one works for me, I have a microwave heat pack which is handy, i'll look into getting some lavender oil too, would this work in a hot bath? thanks again
I have never tried adding essential oils to a bath, but I have really ridiculously sensitive skin. As long as it was deemed safe for such use I can't see why it wouldnt. I have a friend who puts a drop or two on her microwave heat bag and whenever the scent starts to fade she tops it up again. Another uses essential oils in her laundry, so her bedding and clothing takes on the scent.
Good luck, I hope it helps!
Hi there, I'm so sorry to hear you're in pain! I'm currently mid flare up too, it's awful. I haven't been prescribed any pain relief so currently using a heat pack (electric one I got on eBay, so good!) and tiger balm. Really hope you get some relief soon!
hey! thanks for this, x how does the tiger balm work for pain if you don't mind me asking? thanks x
No worries! It doesn't get rid of the pain, I find it masks it well enough for me to carry on working for example. It kind of works like deep heat and feels warm when you put it on but I find the warming sensation is longer lasting with tiger balm and doesn't bring me out in a rash like deep heat. I've used tiger balm for years for period cramps and definitely takes the edge off, so have now started putting it on when I've got other endo pains and it seems to make them more manageable for everyday activities