Anyone give me advice or been diagnosed with both? It would definitely account for my excruciating pain? Photo attached for endometriosis diagnosis. All in depth knowledge and experience welcomed. Looks like yet another op looming.
Can you have endometriosis and adenomyosi... - Endometriosis UK
Can you have endometriosis and adenomyosis together?

I had both (have since had a hysterectomy). It’s hard to tell sometimes which condition causes which symptoms and to differentiate between the two x

Please may I ask what your symptoms were? Thank you.
Extremely heavy periods, pelvic pain, frequent need to urinate, horrendous bloating almost constantly. Xxx

Hi, I have both and have the same symptoms. Could I please ask if the bloating and the frequent need to urinate have gotten better since the hysterectomy? X
The surgeon is stating he/she ablated endometriosis on the broad ligament of the uterus, the utero-sacral ligaments (67% of endo sufferers have endometriosis there) + uterovescical peritoneum (so between your uterus and bladder) and from the iliac fossae (makes sense since endo was on your uterosacral ligaments as well).
In a nutshell, you did have endometriosis 100% given he/she found "endometriotic deposits".
Unfortunately, given that he/she said they have ABLATED, it gives me the idea they were NOT an endometriosis specialist given that specialists EXCISE. Lord knows how much endometriosis you might still have inside if he/she didn't recognise all the lesions
Prepare yourself in case endo comes back (it is very likely if you ablate instead of excising).
Thank you. Ohhhhhhh, it’s back alright!!!!! Absolutely not a specialist, though his credentials said he was. Ignorance is bliss but knowledge is power. Yes, the endo must be back because it’s six years ago since that
LASER surgery and don’t I know it. I’m much more informed now and asked my GP for those records yesterday. I think my endo has spread a lot and to different areas and I still have excruciating pain three days a month and the rest of the month just “pain”...back pain, pelvic pain, buttock pain, bowel pains, knitting needle like shooting pains up my vagina (sorry)..I’m lined up to see a BSGE recognised surgeon so when I see him, there will be many, many questions and possible deep excision surgery. The reason I asked about adenomyosis is because my medical records also “suggest” the condition on a recent ultrasound. I had no idea. Oh joy.....
No, endo didn't just come back. It never left. The endo she found was in spots that don't normally match up so I think you had a lot more endo in other places she didn't recognise. Plus she ablated, with means none of that endo you had was removed correctly. You are very lucky you lasted 6 years after ablation.
Just make sure your next specialist isn't just BSGE certified. Make sure he/she has gained in-depth training and a lot of experience and has amazing reviews and low recurrence rates. Please have it done right at least the second time around
If adenomyosis was seen via ultrasound, it's not just there, it's advanced. But beware that many physicians think they're seeing adeno when it's fibroids. Make sure you get a specialist like dr. Vidali (works in NYC, USA), who can diagnose adeno via ultrasound correctly.
Adenomyosis is just a variety of endomeyriosis affecting the uterime wall.