Hi does anyone else feel like they now will not feel as sexy anymore because of this disease yes endometriosis itself is a disease, and everything we must go through to have it diagnosed, the agonising pain, numerous surgerys and internal removal of tissue.
I think I will be single for a lot longer than planned now. I feel weaker and am loosing my body muscle which is just making me look flat everywhere as I'm petite anyway but before I had a good exercise regime.
Now I can't do anything like this due to surgery recovery times and the pain of symptoms and afraid that if I was to when I'm recovered I may cause a flair up and be left in agony regretting it. I won't eat gluten as I'm scared or drink milk in case it will flair up or bloat me, which actually seems to help but is another pain in the ass.
Thank God I am having it removed in surgery soon which should help all of the pain as im stage 4 its spread everywhere and deep in some places, but I don't want more scars inside or out as small as they are from surgery I still don't want them. As Well I'm finding myself not coping with other stresses in work As Well as I used to right now, I'm not as happy atall as I was before I found out 8 days ago now.
I know I'm just moaning about it all and will be ok tomorrow morning... But does anyone else feel upset or angry that this is happening to them as well, and how do you get through these bad days.
Thankyou in advance xx