Keeping symptoms at bay with the pill? - Endometriosis UK

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Keeping symptoms at bay with the pill?

StephiP profile image
11 Replies

Hi ladies!

Im 26 and I have suspected Endometriosis, I have been told I can’t get a 100% diagnosis unless I have surgery. But first my GP want to try and manage symptoms with the combined pill. I have been prescribed ‘Ridevidon’ and told to take it continuously for 3 months without taking monthly breaks. I was just wondering if anyone else has been prescribed this or has used similar methods to suppress symptoms and if so did it help you?

Thanks for reading 😊

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StephiP profile image
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11 Replies
Suzy23861 profile image

Hi, I wouldn’t let them do surgery as I’d just had my appendix out and gyane were supposed to be in theatre at the same time and didn’t so want to have another look a month later. So the compromise with the consultant was to start the pill and monitor symptoms first. It was almost 5 years before I needed surgery and was treated at the same time not just them have a look. In those 5 years I felt as if I got my life back until the symptoms came back. Hope your symptoms get better they never full go away but I measured it on quality of life.

am94 profile image

Hi! Glad to see you’ve got a supportive GP. This is exactly what happened with me. I didn’t get on with Rigevidon so switched pill but it does the same thing. The only thing it did for me was stop my pain happening every month. It still happened every 9 weeks when I took my break and had my period! I eventually asked for a referral to a consultant as I want to know what’s actually going on, and I now have pain every day even though I’m on the pill. The consultant recently suggested I take the pill continuously until I start to bleed (rather than doing three packs then take a break) so I’m going to give that a go. I’m now just waiting for a surgery date - I’ve been told it’s a 6-9 month wait 🙄 I do however know people who have taken the pill and it’s sorted everything out for them for years, so it varies. I hope it works for you, but don’t be afraid to go back to the GP and say that you want a referral - I think it’s important to know exactly what you’re dealing with! xx

csytasista profile image

Hiya. I’m on nexplanon which stops my periods and gives me relief from some symptoms (big pain reduction). I needed some respite to try and get on top of my symptoms, but I still get stomach issues and my pms/pmdd is probably worse. And I have got an ovarian cyst at the mo which is causing me issues. That’s just my story though, hormonal contraceptives affect everyone differently - I do feel they’re used as a sticking plaster and to mask things! Endo is driven by hormones and then with hormonal contraceptives we’re putting these synthetic hormones in our system, and no one really understands how it all works! Scary :S

There’s a really informative podcast about the pill etc on thisendolife

Take care xxx

Littledunk profile image

In my case it worked without me even knowing!!

I’ve recently been diagnosed with chronic endo after finding blood in my urine. I’m due to have surgery in a couple of weeks and in preparation my surgeon has take me off Ridevidon to reduce the risk of DVT. Since coming off the pill, I’ve had constant abdominal pain, hip pain, breast pain, shoulder pain, pain under my ribcage. I feel very bloated, have headaches and feeling tired all the time. I had none of these symptoms when on the pill - which I took back to back for 3 packets, then took a 3 day break. I had period cramps on the 3 day break, but they were uncomfortable rather than painful.

Knowing what I know now, I wonder if I hadn’t been on Ridevidon, and I’d had severe symptoms earlier then my endo wouldn’t have got this bad (I have it everywhere and the endo on my ovary is the size of a large orange!!).

Good luck, and also fight for what you want - don’t get fobbed off by your GP, request a referral to a specialist.

CC0507 profile image

Hello! I’m in the exact same situation just now - suspected endometriosis. I’ve now on month 3 of taking the pill continuously and I feel a lot better than I have in recent months! I’m only 23 and am awaiting a pelvic exam and then my gp suspects she’ll be referring me to gynae. I’m thankful for the pill at the moment!

HCQS profile image


My doctor advised that I take the pill to try and stop my periods and the pain I was put on Cerazette I’ve been on it now for 2 and half years and it’s really helped me, I did for the first 6-7 months have a continuous period but it was light so not too much of a bother, I now very rarely get a period or pain. my periods are a million times lighter and no pain at all at any time. I take it all the time no breaks and have only found that it’s a great help. I would definitely suggest trying this for anyone who suffers the initial 6-7 months of my body getting use to the new pill was annoying but 100% worth it.

Hope it works for you x

StephiP profile image
StephiP in reply to HCQS

Hi, thanks for the reply!

I’m glad to hear it helped you 😊. My GP did warn that I might have a bit of unusual bleeding while my body gets used to the hormones before it settles down but if it helps keep the pain away I am more than happy to put up with a bit of a continuous period, fingers crossed it works for me 🤞xx

Lofty1589 profile image

I’m taking Rigevedon! I have been taking it for about 7ish months now. Currently on the second time taking 2 packs in a row and personally, the only benefit I have had being on it is knowing when I’ll actually bleed. Unfortunately for me, I’ve just been getting worse symptoms wise. But, it can work really well for others.

I hope it works for you xx

StephiP profile image
StephiP in reply to Lofty1589

Hi thanks for the reply!

Sorry to here this isn’t working for you. Hopefully there is other options you can try, my GP said to go back during my week break after the initial 3 months to see how it’s working for me and if it is that’s great and if not we will try other treatments. I seems that something that works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another but I’m hoping I can find something that works for me and I hope you do too 😊xx

Beckys1991 profile image

Hi Stephi, I started Microgynon in January and it's really helped me. I'm the same as you, suspected endometriosis but no diagnosis yet. I've found the pill has really helped my symptoms. Pelvic pain has reduced to a VERY mild ache but not everyday and I don't feel bloated anymore. It's also nice to know when I'll be bleeding and that it won't be heavy, as I had very irregular and heavy periods before.

Overall it's been positive. I was sceptical at first because I've had bad experiences with the pill before, but this time around there's been no issues. I'd still like to know at some point in the future if I definitely have endo as I want to have children soon. But for now, managing the symptoms will do for me.

Good luck!

EmaW profile image

Hiya! I have stage 4 endo, first started getting symptoms about 6 years ago and was switched from Microgynon to Rigevidon just before the endo appeared. It has always suppressed my pain throughout the month but then I would get unbearable pain in the week break. I was switched to taking 3 months in a row but still had the pain on my break.

I am now taking it non stop, no breaks, no periods and I would say it 95% controls my symptoms. I get the odd morning of aches or some breakthrough bleeding now and again which causes pain but nothing like the usual endo pain.

It has been a life saver for me day to day! Just make sure if it’s not working for you or your pain gets worse, you push for the treatment you want and need. I really hope it helps :)

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