Ultrasound fears!: Hi all I’m still... - Endometriosis UK

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Ultrasound fears!

CC0507 profile image
14 Replies

Hi all

I’m still currently undiagnosed but have an ultrasound coming up this week. Although my GP hasn’t indicated much about it I’m assuming it will be an internal one!

I’m a bit of a worrier and am not sure what to expect to be honest. I’m only in my early 20s and this is the first time I’m getting diagnostic testing done for anything.

Would like to hear from anyone who has had one to get better insight into it - is it painful? Is it over quickly lol?


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CC0507 profile image
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14 Replies
Bluebird23 profile image

Hi. I had an abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound on the same day. I was in and out in about half an hour. Bit of discomfort with the internal scan but it was fine. I was told the gp can not specify if it's an abdominal or internal scan and it is basically up to the person doing the scan.

079me profile image

My ultrasound was internal. I was suffering with a water infection at the time which made it worse as the probe often felt like it was putting a huge amount of pressure on my bladder causing more discomfort than I imagine there would be normally. Try and remember it is to help them diagnose and it is worthwhile having it. Mine didn’t show anything but they found endometriosis on my bladder when I had my laparoscopy. It is just a little uncomfy more than anything. Try not to worry.. i am a worrier and it was fine! If I can do it, you will be fine!! Hope it goes as well as possible for you! Xx

Hello there! I had three transvaginal ultrasounds (two of them were at the same day) and there were fine. Try to relax and hopefully everything will go smoothly.

Wishing you the best of luck xx

Rainelee profile image

Hey! I’ve had an internal ultrasound done 3 times and they’re really quite easy, much more comfortable than a Pap smear!

Good luck! Xx

gabbiefawn profile image

I’ve had 3 internal scans, they’re uncomfortable because they’re a cold hard thing up there, but honestly they don’t hurt. Try and relax, the more you tense the more you feel uncomfortable.


JoBTW74 profile image

Hi drink lots of water 1st and they do the external one, only once they can’t see enough this way do they do the internal.

I found they only pick up fibroids and cysts , my endometriosis wasn’t seen via ultra sound only when i had a laparoscopy.

Either way try not to worry its not painful and quite a quick process. Good luck

Bubblepoppy profile image

I've had a internal ultrasound it's not bad but uncomfortable hope yours goes well x

CC0507 profile image

Thank you all for taking the time to reply - I really appreciate it! It’s reassuring hearing other people’s experiences.

Hopefully all will go well! X

in reply to CC0507


JessieT profile image


I also had an abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound on the same day. About 30mins, little uncomfortable but my consultant was fab. Just a tip...empty your bladder before the scan...the pressure of the probe made me want to pee 😋 xx

CC0507 profile image

Thanks your your detailed response! Has definitely helped my understanding of what to expect!

:) xx

GrittyReads profile image

The ultrasound is more to rule out other complications that could be causing any pains - so it's good to have it done and be sure that all is generally okay. The external one will be a thorough sweep and check of the whole abdominal area, and yes it helps to have full bladder then: they will tell you to go and have a pee before the transvaginal check.

It depends on the person doing it, but when I've had this done they are always gentle, courteous and explain what they are doing and why. Yes, the gel they use is cold but it's not too bad:- whether it's on the tum or in the vagina. Again, the people I've seen have always been gentle and calming. With the transvaginal they can get good close-ups of the ovaries and can often spot endo on these, if there is any. It's not so good for spotting endo in other areas, but the main point of the ultrasound is to rule out other issues, before proceeding to you having a more complex, internal op/ check, such as a laparoscopy.

Hope this helps.


lslo23 profile image

Hiya, it’s definitely a little uncomfortable but not painful at all. I was in and out of the room within 15 minutes.

Good luck! You’ll be absolutely fine xx

Stephsieb profile image


I had one unexpectedly in my consultation so it was a shock to say the least! I’m glad I didn’t have the time to worry about it and build up to it, because I’m a huge worrier!

Internal ultrasound is absolutely fine, as someone mentioned earlier - there was a chaperone with mine and we had a good old chat. Helped to keep my mind off what was going on down there! Wasn’t painful, just a bit uncomfortable when it’s being moved around.

I just had to keep telling myself that they do this every day 😂 and in my surgery I had a hysteroscopy too so they were up there again! Just glad I wasn’t awake for that 😂🙈

I hope it all goes ok! X

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