Hey so, I’m writing this from hospital bed I have been here since the night before last. I had a really weird sharp pain feeling in my right side it felt like a rush of fluid and since I literally struggle to walk can not breath without it causing pain and keep getting huge bouts of pain where I whimper on the floor while sobbing it’s got to the point that I am a bit scared when my pain meds wear off. The nurse said I’m very anxious and that I need to get discharged after a precautionary scan. I’m not happy with this obviously as I’m in so much pain my scan is delayed by an hour and 15mins so far and just feel very dismissed, devalued and like I’m making it a big deal. 😖
Suffering potential burst cyst - Endometriosis UK
Suffering potential burst cyst
I’m so sorry to hear about what you’re going through! I really hope this all gets resolved for you 💜
So sorry to hear you're in so much pain - take the advice you gave me and do push them on their decisions if you feel you have to. Make sure that they send you home with decent painkillers too. Hope the scan gives you a better idea of what's caused this nasty flare up
Thank you I did in the end just when you feel so venerable and depleted you know. I also reported the nurse and asked her to be taken off my case as With the pain levels I don’t feel in a place to discuss mental health. But finally had my scan just now 🙌
It’s great that you have the confidence and perseverance to take charge of your own care insofar as you can. How long till the results of your scan? I hope it picks up on whatever has caused this so that you have answers
Hey! I got my scan result back and got discharge so even though I’m on really strong pain meds and bed bound. I’m home!! Which is priceless 🙌 thank you so much for your kind words I really hit a low in the there with it all 😓 but you made me fell supported and not isolated. 😊 so basically I have many small cysts none of which burst so that’s positive but my ovary has decided to make very good friends with my bowl and stick to it. I also have a really swollen bowl & so they think the Endo is on the inner lining of the bowl. I’m booked in for follow ups and a lap very soon to do more digging. Thank you 🙌
Wow what a result! In terms of their aftercare plan, I mean, but still good news that you're not dealing with any rupturing cysts. I think so long as you have answers and pain relief that your own bed is absolutely the best place for you to be. Hopefully this gives you the space you need to restore your mental balance too - fingers crossed for a speedy recovery
So glad you got support on here. And well done on being firm regarding the hospital. Anxious? Of course you were bloody anxious - I'm sure that nurse would be anxious too if she was in agony and didn't know what was happening in her own body! Support is needed at crisis times, not a mental health assessment. Good on you for sticking to your guns. It can be so scary ending up in hospital with this stuff but great you got a scan and now a plan. I hope the painkillers are helping and you feel a bit calmer back in your own bed. Take care xx
Thank you Poppy. Yeh I was anxious like you say I couldn’t believe it when she said it! It just made me feel so invalid but at least you guys understand. 😊 Its so lovely to have this page to talk on it’s so lovely and I’m so thankful for it! 🙌 the painkillers are great and my bed it so much nicer than hospital bed 😂
I'm so glad they're scanning you. A similar sort of thing used to happen to me at least once every 2 months and every time I went to A&E they gave me painkillers and sent me home without ever scanning to see what was going on (this is before my diagnosis of endo). The bouts of severe pain have stopped since I had my lap. Don't be afraid to push for more investigations if you feel you need it.
I hope you feel better soon x