Gluten free - dairy free - meat free - so... - Endometriosis UK

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Gluten free - dairy free - meat free - soya free

peacock_wings profile image
6 Replies

plus alcohol free, caffeine free, chocolate free...this is our life now right?!

How long did it take for you ladies to notice any change? I've been most of them for a few months now and just introduced gluten free this past week but not seen any change - this month is particularly bad as i've had pain a week before my period, during my period and now the week after...

Just wondered if I have to wait for months and months to notice any difference or if it comes quicker than that - or just what your experiences were, that really seems to help xx

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peacock_wings profile image
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6 Replies
Laura_T profile image

I’ve only gone gluten free. Haven’t bothered with cutting out dairy as I have low calcium. But it took a good 3-4 months for me to notice any changes. It’s a slow process but stick to it and you’ll see the results. I hardly ever bloat now, Only when I’m constipated x

luthien profile image

I found that reducing my gluten and dairy helped lots. It took about 2 months to notice it really having an effect. I get an irritable / sensitive bowel anyway with gluten and dairy, so I've really noticed that improve and hence it's helping my endo bloating.

I don't have caffeine anyways, unless it's in trace amounts in stuff. I still have alcohol but I don't drink much anyway, maybe 4 to 8 units a month, and I definitely stay away from it during my period as I'm on ibuprofen and paracetamol sometimes codeine then.

I have meat, but mainly poultry and game - so less processed more wild meats. I don't have beef pork, turkey or lamb. I've found fish (all kinds) is great.

It's a slow process but rather than reducing everything, you need to go through an elimination diet; remove one item or one group at a time, or switch, and just stick with that for a few weeks. If there's no change in how you feel you can remove something else. I went with no dairy for the first month, then added in no wheat for the next, both those really helped improve my endo symptoms, so I kept it that way for the third month then introduced one food item back in and see the effects. When I added back in some cheese over a week I was fine, added in milk the next - nope didn't like that so removed it again, did the same with wheat, and finally other foods like different meats. I now have worked out it's over processed wheat such as white bread, rusk (in foods as fillers), cream, milk, turkey, pork, lamb. You get the idea!

Tillyfloss profile image

hi. Hope you're having a good day. I was really sceptical about diet helping ( my husband works with a lady who suggested it). I was getting awful pain and we followed the Endo diet strictly for 2 /3 months and along with better pain management ( ask to be referred to the pain team they really helped me) I improved alot. We then introduced things back one at a time, so for me milk, coffee, chocolate are all fine. I don't eat red meat anyway and only have the odd glass of wine. My problem is gluten, even gluten free from causes problems so I avoid as much as possible. I've since had surgery which helped massively and I can enjoy the occasional piece of toast but pasta, pizza and bought cakes are still a no go. For me it did really help and if it helps you just a bit it's worth it, it just takes time and some experimenting. Good luck. Xx

I’m currently following the diet in Heal your endometriosis health and diet guide book and within 2 weeks I noticed a difference. It’s based on FOD map but tweaked for Endo- I’m still in phase 1 which is extremely limited but it’s designed to put good Bacteria in your gut, eliminate toxins and reduce’s wheat, dairy, sugar free and you have limited fruit, and veggies and meat with no condiments or sauces and loads of ginger,turmeric and cinnamon.It’s been really tough but it’s helped.

Lulububs profile image


I did all this and it changed my life but only one i have stuck to as I noticed difference in my body straight away was gluten(evil stuff) it is highly imflammatory to the body esp if u have a intolerance which i kinda knew i had a intolerance to something but was not sure what(i have the joys of ibs) .

Dairy i gave up but i then just gave up lactose so i go lactose free instead and have full skimmed milk. Dont actually eat much dairy anyway.

Dont eat processed or sugary foods but i do allow myself treats but my tastes changed so much i prefer dark chocolate now.

Coffee i allow one cup a day if not i drink decaff through day.

Tea decaff.

It changed my life but mainly the gluten.

Also red meat i didnt realise how ill that made me.

I have had two laps for suspected endo as kept ending up in a&e doubled up in pain and they found nothing!

They sent me to a gastro and she explained they can have same symptoms to ibs and she told me to clean all these out my diet as they are all inflammatorys and it changed my life....

I wished id done it years ago.

My periods are more or less coped with taking a paracetamol now whereas before i would b in bed for three days.

My ibs has more or less gone!

It was my body tellin me it wasnt happy... it was intolerant to the amount of gluten i was putting in there esp when i was due on period i would literally scoff my face.

As soon as i stopped it all went!

I lost two stone of pure bloat.

My nails ,hair and skin look amazing.

So it may seem like it looks grim giving all this up but it mayb it works for u like it did me and believe me ur b soooo happy u tried it....

alcohol yeh that was hard but i only drink if im out now never have it in the house... so not tempted to have that little one in evening, then two

Purplewitch18 profile image

Gluten free made a huge difference with me, but you will feel like crap for a couple of months coming off it as your body goes through withdrawel and is trying to heal from the gluten damage to your gut. After that though, you should find any pain, cramps etc are minimal. It does take a while to see a difference but it is so worth it. As for alcohol and caffeine, just have some now and again, but not enough for them to build up in your system. Youve got to have some enjoyment too!

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