I’ve got my first laparoscopy at the end of Feb any advice? I’m nervous / excited as I’m glad I’m finally getting somewhere!!
Laparoscopy : I’ve got my first laparoscopy... - Endometriosis UK

Hey, glad you finally have a date and honestly it’s nothing to worry about and I have a massive phobia of hospitals and general aesthetic but it felt kinda nice as I was so tired and hungry, I just wanted it over.
It all happens so quickly, one second you’re being put to sleep and then you just wake up in recovery. It’s kinda weird as it seems like time hasn’t passed but it has.
Some people feel groggy after waking up but I was quite high and alert so everyone is different. However after the drugs wore off a few days later I couldn’t get out of bed haha.
I would say pack a bag for the hospital with a nightie, some slippers and dressing gown, entertainment as you could be waiting a while depending where you are on the list. Some pads as you may bleed afterwards as some hospitals may not give you one like mine didn’t.
If you ever want to talk to someone, you can always PM me.
Good luck 💕 xxx
I would also recommend taking to the hospital the biggest granny pants you can find, nothing too tight to wear home (you may well be bloated and swollen) and pack a pillow to put across your tummy so the seatbelt doesn't rub or hurt you.
Mostly, take it steady, let people fuss over you and do things for you! Get loads lined up on netflix or whatever and just rest rest rest.
I was so anxious before mine, but its a breeze x
I had my first laparoscopy in July and my second laparoscopy on Friday. Both experiences have been totally different. First time I was up and about... weeing, eating and ready to go home within a couple of hours almost pain free. This time round I felt horrible, sick, couldn’t wee, couldn’t eat and the gas pain was just horrendous for days. I wasn’t even ready to move after a couple of hours let alone try and wee or attempt to go home. Listen to your body and take it easy.
First time I took crossword/word search book to do whilst I waited to go down to theatre but second time I didn’t take anything. If you want to keep yourself occupied, take something with you.
My advice would be to pack big pants, pads, slippers, gown and peppermints. Wear loose clothing there so you have loose clothing to wear home. I wore high waisted paperbag trousers so the elasticated part of the trousers sat above all of my wounds. If you prefer flavoured water or something, take it with you for after. You may have a very dry mouth afterwards. No matter what I drank, my mouth remained dry.
Don’t rush for a wee. Go when you feel the need to go because you will get frustrated and stressed that you cannot go.
I am happy to answer any questions you have. I hope all goes well for you. You have a little time to prepare too which is good. You will have a pre op assessment so just make sure you discuss any of your worries etc... 😘
Thank you so much! This is so helpful, it’s just abit nerve racking - I just would feel really stupid if they open me up and not find anything 😭 xx
Hi Emily-louise, it's understandable that you are anxious but excited to finally see what has been causing you no doubt lots of issues! I wish you all the best for your lap - are you able to tell me how long it was between being referred for one and your appointment date if you don't mind?? Xx brilliant advice and suggestions from some of the ladies - thank you for sharing so I could read xx
All the people on here are extremely helpful! Seeing as I just thought I had bad periods since I was nine and putting up with heavy and painful periods - I’m now 22. All this has been going on since August when I got rushed to A+E - I think it was a three month wait to get referred to a gyno, my first appointment was last week and I’ve had my lap date through today, My specialist is in a private hospital but under the nhs - I hope this helps xx
Try not to think like that sweet. My consultant was adamant I had endometriosis but I didn’t actually have it. They did find other issues which is why I had additional surgery but just remember it’s a case of elimination. At least if they don’t find anything, then that’s one thing ticked off. Some people hope to not find anything whereas others hope and pray to find something and to get an official diagnoses. You’re on the right track whether they find anything or not.
How did you get on lovely? Xx