Does anyone else feel like the bottom of their back is really bruised and hurts to touch when they have a flare up? I’ve just come off my period and this is happening a lot just after I’ve finished a period with pains also in my bum and down my legs.
Bruised back: Does anyone else feel like... - Endometriosis UK
Bruised back

Sorry to hear your suffering, I know how you feel when a flare up is bad my back really hurts, one specialist told me I could be affecting sciatic nerve as well I just try to rest if possible and use a hot water bottle on my back xx
I feel so low today. I’ve had 2 days rest off the pain after my period was so painful this month and off the pain starts again😢 I’m currently sat with a hot water bottle feeling very sorry for myself! Xx
Sorry to hear you are suffering, yes I get this. I cut gluten and my back pain got better. I get left leg pain, and bought a pain relief machine (like a tens machine) called REVITIVE Pain Reliever and it does give some comfort. Gentle walking helps, if you feel like you can walk. Sorry you're feeling rubbish, it's so hard, be kind to yourself xxx
Hello, I get alot of pain in the bottom of my back..Especially when my pains are bad..I also get alot of pain in my legs causing painful cramp! Mine doesn't feel bruised..but does hurt and if I'm led in bed on my back..I have to change and go into my side! X
Hey, I've found some really useful stuff when talking to my physio / movement specialist - originally went for lower back and coccyx pain.
Basically after taking note of my endo and operation, he said they definitely cause the pain. The endo and surgery makes our core (abs) weak and thus we use it less - surgery cuts the muscles and endo causes it to cramp up. Because we use it less (we learn that our core causes the horrible pain) our back compensates by altering our posture, taking the weight, both sitting and standing - causing aches. It can be worse during "episodes" which now makes sense to me.
My movement specialist carries out back massages to loosen the muscles - basically my bad back muscles are the glutes (bottom - pelvis area compensation) and piriformis (pelvis to hips - core compensation). My pain is down my left leg too - kind of like shooting pain in certain positions - he says this is my piriformis being tense and trapping the sciatic nerve - needs massaging to loosen. He's given me exercise to help me actually notice and use my core - this will help my back and cramps. After a session - it's already helping.
I'm concerned that so many of us suffer back / leg pain / shoulder pain - either from endo, or surgery or both - no one makes us aware that we need the physio / massaging to help relieve the tense muscles that are a direct result of this affecting our core. Makes sooooo much sense now.
Best way to test is to get someone to feel the muscles - lightly down each side of your spine - the tense one will be rock solid - they need loosening. Also try leaning backwards and get someone to look at your back - if the bottom part of your spine is fixed then it needs loosening - that's how my friend at my yoga classes noticed.
Check out a physio - referral from GP or google them.
hope this helps xx
my back is having a massive flare up today, feels so sore to touch or move. I’m so glad i’m not the only one that experiences this