Teaching with Endo: Hi, I’m just wondering... - Endometriosis UK

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Teaching with Endo

lisams88 profile image
12 Replies


I’m just wondering if there are any other teachers on here? I’m due back to school tomorrow and I’ve just started my period a week early. I’m in pain already! Taken a mefanamic acid and codiene. I’ve always been on the pill which has managed the symptoms but I’ve been on the coil for the past 8 weeks (so 2nd period on it) First period post coil I was hospitalised and off work for a week.

I’m just wondering how you cope with the pain at school. I have an operation during SATs week, which is causing so much stress and anxiety.

Any advice please.

Lisa xx

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lisams88 profile image
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12 Replies
Hd123 profile image


Sorry to hear you are in pain!

I work in a Special needs school and an in a really similar situation to you! Just started my period today after only finishing one last week...

I find the best thing is to be honest with the people around you. I'm lucky that we work in high ratio pupil to staff class and my team is amazing. Is there anyone in your work who you can confide in? It might help you to feel more at ease if you know someone's got your back.

In terms of pain management I take mefanamic acid, codeine and pregabalin. I use the heat patches you attach to your clothes which give you heat throughout the day and make A it feel like you have a hot water bottle on!

Sorry I can't be of any more help, but if you want some moral support feel free to message me. Trust me I know the stress you're feeling.

Hannah X

lisams88 profile image
lisams88 in reply to Hd123

Hi Hannah,

Thankyou for your reply.

My headteacher and phase leader are aware of it and tbh were great when I was off in hospital. I have 1 1:1 ESA in my class and she can be out of the classroom with groups so sometimes I have to sit down and just ride the pain out, which isn’t great when I have 30 children to teach. It’s been so bad before that I had to send a child to get someone as I was crying in pain. I can only take codiene at home as I drive 40 mins to school and it makes me really drowsy. So again I’m really limited. I’m going to get some heat pads and try them, Thankyou for this.

You have been really helpful, it’s just nice to hear from others in a similar situation.

Thankyou so much.

Lisa x

emmaquinny profile image

Hi, I’m a science teacher in an SEN school, and I’m on he journey to being diagnosed-like Hd123 I have a lot of support from my team, so I’m lucky-I don’t think I’d be able to dash out to the loo suddenly when I need to for example if i didn’t have such a high staff ratio. I have codeine and tramadol for if its really bad but both make me feel quite drowsy, so that combined with the endo fatigue and general teaching stress is a killer sometimes. I bought a microwaveable bean bag which is often found across my stomach when I’m sat at my desk! I’ve had a good rest in the holidays and my worst week fell in the last week, so I’m hoping for at least one good week for the first week back!i can imagine you are feeling stressed about having your op and it falling in sats week is harsh, but you absolutely must put your health first, the school will manage!

lisams88 profile image
lisams88 in reply to emmaquinny


Thankyou for your reply.

I think I do need to tell more people in my team so they are more understanding. I just feel like I’m constantly moaning about tiredness and pain. My head and phase leader have been great but again I feel like I’m letting people down. I’m the same with the codiene, it makes me really drowsy too. I do have a microwaveable wheat bag, but it loses heat really quickly and my TA isn’t always in the classroom so I can’t warm it up. The other thing is the constant flooding, I can’t go to the loo for an hour at a time when my TA isn’t in, it’s awful. I haven’t had a back to work meeting yet, since I was admitted to hospital 18th March so I haven’t had the chance to discuss it with anyone. I don’t think anyone can fully understand how debilitating it is unless you have/are going through it.

Thankyou and I hope you get the answers you need.

Lisa xx

emmaquinny profile image

I absolutely agree, until I found this group I felt nobody believed me or could possibly understand what I am going through, and I still don’t think however understanding and accepting colleagues are that they grasp how debilitating this is. I was like you with the flooding until I had my mirena coil in, I destroyed a very expensive brand new mattress with a flood, had to take change in trousers to work etc, got to the point where as well as a tampon and bedtime/maternity towel I was wearing incontinence pants to try and absorb the flow. Now it’s my pain bowel and bladder I need to sort out then I’ll be grand! 😂

I really hope that you get to a point where you are managing things and feeling better, I hope that for us all!❤️

Chandler81 profile image


I’m a Primary teacher here! It’s hard isn’t it, not a job where you can quietly get on with it.

All I can say is that you can only do your best and do what is manageable for you. Teachers notoriously are dreadful for taking time off as they feel guilty ... but actually it’s not your fault and you need to look after yourself!

Your class will be fine and I’m sure they’ll make you proud!! Are you Year 6??? I’m Year 2.

Hopefully this op will be positive and give you some relief. Try not to worry too much. Good luck!


gibhadlow profile image

It’s really hard. I teach in Year 6 and have just worked my upcoming hysterectomy around SATs. I definitely agree with letting your team know what you go through. Mine have been amazingly supportive which means the associated worry and stress is far less.

Jojo2088 profile image

I'm a teacher too! I had my second lap last week so I am not going back to school today. My head is AMAZING and 100% understands my needs, I am also close to a lot of the other teachers in school and they help me too. The one person I have found to be the best support is my TA. She will take the class for me if she knows I need to take 5 mins and will swap her breaks around so I don't have to do break time duty, she is just brilliant.

Along with a cocktail of pain pills, which I'm sure we're all used to taking now, I use a TENS machine. It doesn't take the pain away but it's a really good distraction and I always carry mine with me. I got mine free with the Pain management clinic but you can buy them from Amazon for cheap. I do recommend one.

Hope you all have a nice day back at school. I sure do miss my kids already xx

MrsDuvet profile image

I was diagnosed with endometriosis over 3 years ago after a lifetime of heavy, painful periods and a seemingly rubbish immune system. I worked as a TA for ten years then qualified as a teacher last year (aged 43!). I'm not teaching at the moment and my physical health and it's unpredictability is really affecting my decision about whether to teach or not. Even On days when I don't have the usual pain/discomfort/bloating etc., I often feel extremely tired and emotional. It really sucks when mentally you may feel able to do something but physically you just sometimes feel like you can't. ☹️

misshoney24 profile image


It’s not easy to teach when in pain, but I always ensure I’ve packed painkillers. I’m honest with my closest colleagues when I’m in pain, and if I start my period in the middle of the night, I’ve a very understanding Head and go in after assembly ready to teach my first lesson. I know, if I’m able to have a couple of hours sleep, I can make it through the day!

Linds1980 profile image

Hi Lisa,

I am also a teacher and In Y6. I had excruciating pain on Saturday and thus spent the weekend In bed eating codine. I’m sorry to say that this is an awful thing to have if you’re a teacher- if you’re anything like me, you’ll constantly be worrying that at any moment, with a class full of children, you’ll collapse and start screaming in pain. My only saving grace has been how suppperive my head and team have been. Thankfully, I have 10 years of impeccable service and my recent health problems are unusual so that helps, however it doesn’t help with the guilt of abandoning the children. I, like you, came off the pill about 3urs ago to get pregnant- I did fall but miscarried with lots of complications. I then started having these incredible pain episodes. My doctors said IBS for about a year. I was then hospitalised in Africa (suspected appy) where THEY diagnosed endometriosis. I came back here and got a diagnosis, finally. I had a mirena coil fitted too.

On Teacher trading day in September I had an attack and was hospitalised from work. I had a ruptured cyst that was removed (keyhole). Our job is not one you can return back to unless you are fully fit. I was off for 4 weeks and did a 2 week phased return.

I was told that they’d done a good clear out and I could now try for a baby. (They had said that endo was probably why I’d miscarried.) unfortunately, the pains were back after a month. And on examination found that I was almost as endofied as pre op.

I have to have time off every month. It’s depressing. But there’s always a light...

I managed to sweet talk my consultants secretary and get my op left ovarianectomy + tubectomy for 21st May. The week after SATs.

I know it really sucks, but you’re not alone. I was so worried about what parents and colleagues would think of me but they have been so supportive.

What I’m trying to say is... you’re not alone.

Don’t feel pressured to go back too soon - our job is not an office job. You have to be firing on all cylinders!

skygreen profile image

I’m in Year 2 and have just returned to work after having a lap to remove endo that was joining my uterus to my bowel. I had managed to schedule my op for the start of Easter holidays - the guilt of being off during term time is so stressful so I understand how you feel but we have to put our health first. I’ve needed 3 weeks off in total but am still taking it easy.

I’ve been honest with my head and have told her that I need to put myself and my health before work. I’m trying to leave at a reasonable time and not take on extras!

I use heat pads that stick on and they take the edge off and I double up on sanitary pads if I’m having a heavy day.

You can’t always help the timing of operations and the hard work will be done by Sats week so you have to put yourself and your health first.

Hope you feel better soon


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