I am in agony 98 %of the time im bloated constantly and my right lymph is always tender im exhausted all the time and i cant speak to people because they get huffy when i mention my endometriosis and fibroids because they just dont care and my hubby is moody with me because im not in the mood f u know what because of my pain just really fed up no 1 to talk to abt this and side effects of treatments and stuff feel.like crying all the time
Sad: I am in agony 98 %of the time im... - Endometriosis UK
So sorry you are in so much pain.
What stage are you at in treatment of endometriosis?
Do you have surgery planned?
If you don't you need to get referred by your GP to an endometriosis specialist to get a plan in place for treatment.
Uncaring relatives, uhh, not nice!
Everyone is affected by other people suffering differently and some people are v v compassionate. Can you join a local Endo support group, Google in your area, in many areas womem meet to discuss this condition as it's pretty life altering as you know.
Try explaining to your husband how it makes you feel that you can't satisfy his needs atm and to be honest husband's just have to bloody wait! If you both feel like it you could try other avenues to explore eachother without him having to penetrate you deeply and hurt you inside. I know all too well the painful sex part and none of my partners over the 2p years were King Dong if you get my drift, distinctly average yet effective partners 😉....
Truthfully I'm a young enough woman and needed my own needs fulfilled so lubricant and wine were a great help to get me in the mood. I love my husband and wanted him to be intermittently getting a sexual relationship with me over the course of this horrendous illness.
At times it just wasn't a go area, no go!
Hot baths have always helped me and music....ibufrofen or naproxen and if reallt bad a combo of 1 of those with co codemol.
Take time for yourself.
Can you exercise at all. Swimming on walking on a treadmill or walking outdoors or roller skating or literally dance exercise like Zuma or with the Wii.....
I found to help myself made me a better person for All, for my child my husband my friends and exercise in some form even small would be my saviour.
It's a natural endorphin rush.
There is also counselling if you feel you are misunderstood and depressed. Your GP can give you a referral.
Take care.
I know dsys this sucks and I also found people including hubby wernt perfect and could be more sympathetic.