Hi, I suffer with endo. Recently after every period I find to suffer from cystitis? I know there isn't a link between this and endo, but I just wondered if anybody else with endo experienced this too?
Does anyone suffer from cystitis? - Endometriosis UK
Does anyone suffer from cystitis?

Hi, I didn't realise there wad a link but I have had 2 in the past 4 months.... I don't have periods but they have just come out of bowhere. My consultant has asked me to get the doctors to send my urine off the next time not to just accept antibiotics as they appear to clear it up but if it's due to the endo it would clear up on it's own anyway.
Hope this helps x
Hey there Sophia! How are you doing today dear? I hope that things are fine at your end. i also wish that this find you at best shape possible. I am sorry to hear that you are going through all this. It must be hard for you dear. Please try to stay strong and move forward. We all face such things on our life. It is normal and we all make it pass through them.
As far as I know you are right. There ain't no link between cystitis and endo. However cystitis can be linked with another pathology that i linked with endo. I know this sounds too much but it is a possibility. I cannot remember correctly what it was right now... Yet I am sure that I have heard about something like this recently somewhere. A visit to the doctor wouldn't be a bad idea I guess...
Hi, I've asked the doctors there is no link and they don't have an answer to why it happens, so I'm just have to drink lots of water and use the sachets from the chemist! They never usually find an infection althoigh I do get a lot of water infections aswell!
It's such a mystery!!
Thanks for your reply x
Hello there dear. Please pardon me if my comment scared you anyhow. With honesty to god, I was just trying to help. As you can see I am no physician... Not even close by a hundred miles. I was just speaking nonsense. Things I have red or heard online. Anyway the good thing is that the doctors told you that nothing bad will happen. I hope you like drinking water... Personally I drink more than 3 liters per day. Once you get used to it it's like a highly addictive drug. 😂
Really glad your fine dear. I have been worried. Please update us on what happens next. I would love know if you don't mind sharing. God bless you.
For the past 5 years I kept getting a pain flare up in my lower abdomen and would go to the doctors when I couldn’t handle the pain anymore. I would give urine tests in and they always came back normal apart from once.
But because I was in so much pain when I went, the doctors would just give me antibiotics and say it must be some type of water or kidney infection. Little did I know it wasn’t an infection and the antibiotics weren’t the reason my pain stopped.
As the years got on I just tried to drink plenty, rest and have a hot water bottle. Then I realised the pain would only last 1-2 weeks (mid cycle).
But last year I got the pain and it never went. So after 9 months seeing doctors, having operations and paying private. I found out the cause of my pain wasn’t an infection but endometriosis.
I am now 7 weeks post excision surgery I was doing well then my period came and then 2 infection. One water infection and the other is an post surgery infection.
Just try to keep a note of when you get cystitis as there might be something triggering it. Also if you seem to have it reoccurring quite often then it might not be going fully. So your gp might be able to offer you a low dose of antibiotic to take one a day for a few months to get rid of it. Or even get referred to the urologist.
I hope it settles down soon! X
Aw thank you for your reply! I hope you're feeling better. The doctor gave me antibiotics today and said it may be complications and that there is growth on my bladder. I am due an operation I'm just waiting for the date to come through
Thank you xx