Fainting .... during toilet times! - Endometriosis UK

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Fainting .... during toilet times!

becciharman profile image
β€’27 Replies

Hi ladiesss, I was wondering if any of you suffer with painful pooing, due to endometriosis pain? I can be crippled on the toilet at times to the point where I feel sick, dizzy and extremely hot and sweaty! I've fainted a couple of times before due to trapped wind, constipation or just having a number 2?! This morning being one of those times..... is it just me? I've also experienced a sharp, travelling pain down my left leg where it feels as if my calf will implode whilst pooping 😩 Anyone else or am I alone in this? Apologies in advance for the no.2 talk on a Saturday morning! Ha. Thanks ladies. X

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becciharman profile image
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27 Replies
JackieBo profile image

You're definitely not alone. I've never fainted, but I have been reduced to tears many, many a time. The cold sweats, clamminess, flushing through the face and chest, dizziness, light headednes, not sure if you need to keep pooing or stop so you can throw up.... (I've thrown up in my tub while sitting on the toilet on more than one occasion).

I've not experienced the calf pain, but everything else is a check. It happens to me a few times a week usually.

healthandfavor profile image
healthandfavor in reply to JackieBo

You experience this even when you are not on a cycle?

becciharman profile image

Hi Jackie, Thankyou for your response. Oh my that all sounds so familiar and relatable .... what an awful experience! All that to have a poo?! 😩 The experience also makes me anxious about being out and having to go, in fact I just don't which makes things worst! Ha. Oh the joys eh? I hope things are okay with you, or getting better at least. Xx

JackieBo profile image
JackieBo in reply to becciharman

Yeah, I've begun to live my life based on where the nearest toilet is because my bowels are so problematic. I haven't gone on a picnic or camping in so many years! 😐

That sounds sensible about the calf pain, if you have cysts on one side that the pain would be on that side. Pain has a funny way of radiating and showing up in a completely different part of the body. What a joy! πŸ˜‰

Best wishes, my dear, and know that you are FAR from alone! ❀️

becciharman profile image
becciharman in reply to JackieBo

It's such an inconvenience, but we all have to adjust to be able to manage it effectively! Thankyou soooo much for you're personal and wise comments. What an amazing bunch of ladies xx

becciharman profile image

I think the calf pain, specifically down my left leg may be due to having cysts on my left ovaries? That's just me guessing though. Xx

Starry profile image

Yes , I had this fainting on the toilet thing about 4 or 5 times. It was very strange and embarrassing. I ended up going to hospital in an ambulance one time after it happened in a garden centre but they put it down to low blood pressure.

I was eventually diagnosed with a severe endo RV nodule which I had excised at a BSGE centre 9 weeks ago.

The travelling pain I have I was told is nerve pain to the pudendal or sciatic nerves from inflammation or pressure from the bowel movement.

becciharman profile image
becciharman in reply to Starry

Ooooh! That sounds horrendous hunni 😱It's such an awful and scary experience in the comfort of your own home, so I couldn't even imagine going through it in a public place.

This is all new to me?! My gynaecologist has never mentioned anything like this to me! 😳 I will definitely bring this up the next time I go. Thankyou for your advice. 😘xx

Starry profile image
Starry in reply to becciharman

It took me a long time to get diagnosed, you just don't relate bowel and back and bladder to a gynae condition. It was the bladder that drove me in and luckily my GP was cluued up and found the nodule on an internal exam.

It's been a hard 12 months especially a si went down with viral meningitis straight after and had a bonus week in hospital for that which slowed my recovery. I'm glad I had the op overall as it was threatening to penetrate my bowel wall and the adhesions were close to obstructing it. Not to mention the 4cm of vagina a I lost due to the penetration the other end of it. I'm amazed my symptoms weren't worse with hindsight.

Wisteria93 profile image

Hi hun, I am with you with the pain when I'm on the loo! My consultant said that it's due to me having cysts, tearing or fusion near my bowel hence why it so painful going to the toilet. Have you checked with your doctor to see if there's a possibility of your endometriosis being found near you bowel? Cause it might explain the pain x

becciharman profile image
becciharman in reply to Wisteria93

Hiii hunni, Thankyou for commenting! And yes I do have bowel endometriosis where my bowel is fused to my uterus I believe. So I think you could well be right there! It's such a strange thing to happen whilst on the loo that you don't even consider it to be due to something like this. I'm definitely going to mention these comments on my next appointment! Thankyou ladies 😘xx

Wisteria93 profile image
Wisteria93 in reply to becciharman

Your welcome Hun 😊 hope you get some answers soon xx

healthandfavor profile image

Never to the point of fainting but yes definitely severe pain. In would be walking and would have to stop dead in my tracks from sharp pains in my rectal area. When using the toilet id have to breathe as if I'm in labour as be it passes, it's horrible, you are not alone. Yes I've experienced pain going from my hip straight down my leg πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯

becciharman profile image
becciharman in reply to healthandfavor

It is an awful experience! 😩sooo painful and strange kind of pain as well πŸ˜–I have to do the same, take deep breaths. Thanks Hun for your comments. I hope things are getting better for you! Xx

missymo profile image
missymo in reply to healthandfavor

Healthandfavor i dread going the loo! No endo ihave no uterus no bladder i have a "wee bag" but its always bowel trouble. Chronic wind lains every time i eat. Its depressing & vry tiring.

Endo71 profile image

Hi. Oh dear so painful. Yes fainted on the bathroom floor due to severe pain whilst going to the toilet. Have always suffered and is always painful releasing bowel. Have tried prunes to help to loosen movement as well as prescribed laxatives.

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Hi hun.

I getc some awful pain when on the loo particularly mid cycle and when I'm on. I get the dizzy hot sweating passing out feeling iv had to strip my clothes off plenty times when on loo. Iv been sick a few times also whilst passing number two at same time. I get incredibly sharp pain right low in my section scar and I'm my bum itself the same stool can go from quite solid to water. And I get pins and needles down both legs as it's coming through transit it takes me ages to get off the loo sometimes. It's a bloody nightmare. Aswel as blood mucous etc they think it's on top of my large bowel no confirmation as yet. Going to see a specialist next month. πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜. It's horrific iv never fainted though that's awful so dangerous imagine if you we're out in public that would be πŸ’© hope you manage to get some relief soon hun. πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

becciharman profile image
becciharman in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Oooh Hun! 😩I too have had to strip naked on the loo before through being so hot and dizzy! It is a bloody nightmare, you're right. I simply just don't go to the loo in public for a no.2 which causes constipation and further issues like anxiety etc πŸ™„I've started to get up extra early, have a coffee and pray that my bowels move before leaving the house everyday otherwise I feel horrific for the day. I find once I've had a poo, I don't feel as much pain throughout the day also. Thank you for your comments and all the best for you Hun! It's all a learning curve but hopefully we all manage to adjust to the weird and definitely NOT wonderful symptoms of this illness! πŸ˜˜πŸ™ŒπŸ» xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to becciharman

Bloody terrible I won't go on loo outside Im always at home and family's house. Probiotics do help though it definitely isn't as frequent as before give them a go try get ones with lots of stains in the billions. We all get through it but there should defo be more help for us coping with these πŸ’© symptoms. Flipping headache. πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

tiredBFmum profile image

Oh in a strange way I'm glad I'm not the only one that's stripped off due to pain and fainting/sweating feeling on toilet! Ha ha I've had to ask my poor mum to hand me cold flannels to put on my forehead as I felt myself passing out. It's so humiliating but insanely painful. I have found probiotics, cutting out wheat and peppermint tea calms my bowel. And really unfortunately for pain sufferers, I find codeine and any anti inflammatory meds make pooing even worse but also need the pain relief just to poo before and during period.

I am incredibly lucky I've not had this pain since before I got pregnant but as my periods are getting worse again the toilet and poo pain is something I'm petrified of returning! If only they could give us gas and air for period toilet experiences! I found labour very similar indeed. Hope everyone finds something that eases this particularly grim endo symptom.

tiredBFmum profile image
tiredBFmum in reply to tiredBFmum

Oh and the sharp, stabbing, out of the blue, shooting pain from tummy to foot I get when ovulating, with wind and when bowel moves. I tried explaining this to GP and I think they thought I was mad. I've nearly crashed a car once because of it. I think it's nerve pain so something inflamed like ovaries or bit of bowel pushes on upper part of nerve and pain just flows right down??

Kerri123 profile image

Yes! I have the exact same. It's awful. My endometriosis is fumed around my bowel and bladder which makes sense to why it hurts so much. I struggle so much with it. 😩

moonlight2016 profile image

I have experienced similar symptoms. The pain with going to number 2 does not go away even when the cycle stops now.

Lulububs profile image

Hi guys

Yes i have had this problem for years even as a child i would refuse to go as it hurt much.

I had a bad case about 6 months ago ended up in hosp and they over dosed me on antibiotics as they couldnt see anything on ct and mri that would cause me such pain.

For 6 months i have not been able to work much and hqd terrible sciatic pain and pain in my side and i went to a allergist was told i was gluten and cows milk intolerant quite highly intolerant... as soon i gave this up within 2 weeks i was normal , poop normal, no wind , indigestion or pain...

So may i suggest some of u could have intolerances to foods..

It also helped with my periods which were horrendous!

I have since been sent to a nhs womens health physio as i also have a tight pelvic floor because of all the bowel problems ive had for years ( holding it in) and that has helped alot to.. learning to release ur tightness Not a easy job after years of holding my belly in and holding poop in....

So there could b alot of problem not just endo related problem aless of course ur endo is related to ur bladder or bowel

Sherrie3030 profile image

Yes fainted and very painful poos and locking up, where I sweat and nearly pass out.

It's horrible

Mckinney17 profile image

I have the same issues. My doctor recommended stool softner daily and it really helps.

Kittykat8989 profile image

YEP- weirdly enough my bowel pain was worse when my endo was mild. It’s severe now but my bowel pain isn’t as bad although definitely still there. I used to fall on the floor with the rectal pain. It literally felt like someone had shoved a knife up my arse- HORRIBLE x

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