Hey all,
Sorry I'm new here hence my barrage of posts! I have been reading through so many and it's already helped but I just wanted to ask people what kind of pains they get with their endometriosis and to see if anyone gets similar to myself.
I was diagnosed a couple of months ago as potentially having Endo and I am awaiting a laparoscopy at the end of the year.
I'm really nervous about it as I am weirdly worried I don't have it (then I won't know what on earth is wrong with me) and also worried if I do have it! But what's bothering me the most is that my pains aren't constant. They're intermittent and sudden. Rarely does severe pain last an entire day, although with my back pain I can have a weakness sensation there after a collapse for the rest of the day and it can reoccur frequently during the day. Just not constant pain if that makes sense?
I figured if I'm bleeding, surely I should be in pain 24/7? I may be wrong, I have no idea about it but was hoping someone might be able to identify with me and my pains and reassure me that I'm not going insane.
My pains / suffering is as follows:
Lower back and left butt cheek collapse / shooting pain.
I can be standing one minute and suddenly my back will "give way" and I collapse, with it almost cramping and I physically cannot hold my weight on my left leg (have to hold myself up with my arms). It isn't constant but when it happens it can wreck my back for the duration of my period and cause me to have knots in my butt cheek thereafter.
Heavy Clotting.
Sorry for TMI but my periods can seem semi normal but then I churn out a gigantic clot. You're talking slug size. It's really unpleasant (normally correlates with back cramping)
Irregular Periods.
Granted I now have the implant which plays havoc with periods supposedly but before then I would still bleed for a day, nothing for a week then bleed for two weeks, then nothing for 2 months, then bleed for a week. The longest I had was 25 days. It exhausted me beyond the end of the earth.
Weird Breathing Sensation.
Normally a few days before my period I get the sensation that I am not getting a big enough breath in. It's like an interrupted yawn... I know I'm getting enough oxygen I just feel my lungs need to expand that little bit more when taking a breath in. I now know I'm due to come on my period when this happens... it's like a prolonged panic attack-breathing sensation (without the panic... although after 48 hours of feeling like I'm not breathing properly I can start to get nervous and frustrated / upset).
Shooting Anus Pain.
Seriously. What the bloody monkeys is that about. There's no particular pattern other than during or just before my period but god it makes me leap and tense. I can feel during my period my bottom is... pressurised. But the shooting pain is intermittent.
Uncomfortable Pooping.
I say uncomfortable as years ago I had an anal fissure. Pooping then was agony (I was in tears and would pass out... really not pleasant). But during my period or just before my period, when I go for a poop it's not comfortable. I get this pressure sensation around my bottom but don't really need to go to the toilet too. Feels like someone is cramming their thumb just into the side of my butt cleft.
Exhaustion / Lethargy.
I just struggle to operate. My head feels crammed full of fluffy toys and I just want to sleep so much. I have such little energy.
I think those are the main ones. I do get an achey shoulder blade which I didn't realise could be related although I am rather clumsy so it wouldn't surprise me if it's just a standard injury. Nipple and soooore boobs too but I think that's kind of normal periodness.
Are these endometriosis symptoms like anyone else has had or is having? It does scare me I'm wasting doctors times but my body just feels battered and I need to know one way or another!
It's more the fact I am not in 24/7 constant pain I'm doubting my diagnosis. Even if when I am it's severe. I managed, for example, a rather pathetic jog the other day when I came on my period. Granted, leading up my dogs at the end of it caused me to collapse and I had to stay seated for a few minutes before I could get myself back up and to the car but I still pushed through it.
Am I just having a really crappy period? I keep wondering if perhaps it's something to do with my core strength or sciatica nerve. I sit worrying about it so much.
I'm tired, I'm a bit scared (even if I don't admit it out aloud to anyone!) and I'm just hopeful it can be resolved, even just a little bit for a little while.
Any help would be so grateful. I feel awful for anyone who is suffering, what I suffer is pretty horrifying to me let alone what I've read others are suffering.