Caffeine as a pain trigger: Morning, I was... - Endometriosis UK

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Caffeine as a pain trigger

13 Replies


I was just wondering if anyone else finds caffeine flares up their endo pain?

I've been on holiday recently and did really well pain wise while I was away. I've been thinking of anything I did differently and aside from being stress free (!) the only other thing was much reduced daily caffeine.

I suppose the way to tell would be to reduce it now I'm home and see if that helps. Xxx

13 Replies
Amnc profile image


It is interesting that you mention this as I went back to work on Wednesday and my endo belly came back with a vengeance. Food wise, the only difference is increased caffeine consumption and more widely, as you say, increased stress.

Yesterday I experimented with having no caffeine and it did not make a jot of difference. I am not sure if that is a long enough trial though. I may try again next week. Let me know how you get on! Xx

Keke123 profile image

I totally feel this is a thing for me!

I try and limit myself but I work nights sometimes so sadly coffee is something I have to rely on. I thing there are a lot of things that flare it up and stress is a mega factor. Also the quality of sleep for me too! Silly things you don't even think about

LindaML profile image


I have stopped drinking coffee in the past week after a recommendation to switch to white tea - it is the least caffeinated hot beverage - I am sleeping better, less stressful and pain seems to be a lot more manageable during the day. Definetly going to try stay away from coffee as much as possible.

RLJarman profile image

I don't drink coffee anymore and I love coffee! Such a shame. I drink green tea with Manuka honey (got used to it) and peppermint tea is helpful to sooth.

Ardenrose profile image
Ardenrose in reply to RLJarman

Just to let you know, unless it says decaf on the box green tea does naturally contain caffeine. I didn't know this for a long time and wondered why I was getting upset stomachs. Once I switched to decaf green tea (I buy the Tettley's one) my symptoms improved greatly.

Jen90k profile image

I got advised to cut alcohol and caffeine out of my diet as I drink a lot of fizzy pop with high amounts of caffeine. I rarely drink alcohol anyway so that wasn't an issue. I only tend to suffer with endo pain around the time of my period and after cutting caffeine out completely for 6 weeks I had my worst pain experience so ended up drinking pop again. Everyone is different though and suffers differently if you feel some relief from reducing caffeine then give it a go it's one of the first things they advise you to cut of of diet as it causes inflammation. I do however feel stress and anxiety is the major cause of my symptoms flaring up when least expected. Xx

stacerssss profile image

I thought caffeine was a trigger for me so wen to decaf tea, then as it didn't change I cut out all tea and fizzy drinks altogether and it hasn't made a difference for me :( xx

I think I'll try to reduce caffeine to see if it makes any difference to my pain levels. It's probably a good thing to try to do generally :) Maybe being so relaxed on holiday and resting made the difference xxx

Memw profile image

I'm with you!! I very rarely have coffee now, only when my tummy feels 110% ok and I'm super tired. Switched to decaffinated tea too!

Ali1989 profile image

Yes! Caffeine flares mine up something awful and dare I say since I've been off the fizzy and caffeinated stuff I rarely get a flare up, if I'm out for a meal or socialising then I'll have a cheeky beverage but the odd one doesn't cause much pain just a slight twinge now and then

MarciaR profile image

Hi, I have been making an effort to cut done on caffeine and I feel it has been working for me. Before endo was even suggested as a thing for me I had to cut out coffee because it made me feel worse. It seems to be a very personal process of elimination. Go for it and experiment at home, it could make a significant difference x

Ardenrose profile image

Yes, caffeine is a common trigger. I gave it up 2 years ago and it has made a world of difference for me. I have less migraines and less IBS symptoms. I've also seen a big difference in my general health since I cut refined sugar from my diet. I'm not 100% pain free but I'm so but better than I was.

I would say trial it for a bit and see how you feel. There's lots of lovely flavoured herbal teas you can try as substitutes which don't contain caffeine. Xxx

HMPD profile image


Coffee is a big no no for me now. I cut it out a few months ago and have noticed a massive difference. I used to get endo belly after having a cup of coffee too.

Since cutting caffeine out alongside alcohol, I've also noticed a massive reduction in my anxiety, so I'm killing two birds with one stone. Cut down slowly if it's a big part of your life xx

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