Incredibly nervous and scared - after 18m of having prostrap injections - I have to come off it as my bone density scan came back with issues. I'm being put on a progesterone only pill which I know won't help at all as been there before and want to know when you came off prostrap how long it was before your endo symptoms started returning again. (Looking at changing my diet to gluten, dairy and red meat free.) Thanks in advance.
Coming off Prostrap injections next week ... - Endometriosis UK
Coming off Prostrap injections next week after 18m - how long did it take for symptoms of endo to return?

Hi Bexstar
I had 1 three month injection and it took 6 months for my period to return. Also my endo/adeno symptoms returned with this.
x x
Hi ya. Thanks for the reply. My consultant has suggested I go straight into using a progesterone only pill but surely that will regulate my periods sooner than I'd like. I don't want my periods returning any time soon.
no i havent taken anything since as im on a waiting list for hysterectomy. i took the progesterone pill before i had prostap and unfortunately it didnt help me but its different for everyone. i thought u would need to wait for your period to return before starting it anyway?!? has the prostap helped with your symptoms?
Thanks. I'm guessing I'll wait to see what happens then. Prostrap gave me my life back. Aside from the hot flushes and a bit of dryness it was just great. How are you finding it?
this time round i took hrt with it so the menopausal symptoms were considerably reduced. (first time i didnt have hrt and it was horrendous on a daily basis). during the 3 months my symptoms improved but i started with severe hip pain. the 3 months after it were great though. was gutted when my first period was so heavy i flooded at work. feels like im back to square one. for me i think the hyster will improve my quality of life so am willing to go with my specialists advice. going to be a tlh bso. it may be worth giving the progesterone pills a try just in case they do help before more definative surgical options are considered. have u been given anything to help with the bone density loss?
See I was the other way round, I was told if I had a small dose of HRT it would probably bring back my endo symptoms so I shied away from it. To be honest I didn't really suffer from the prostrap side effects that much, it worked pretty well for me.
I will have to give this damn pill a go but know that I will be back to the consultant fairly pronto after periods return at a guess and then it'll be the same as you: a tlh bso.
I still have a stash of northestorine so will be taking that when the dreaded monthlys do return. Not looking forward to this at all.
No - no help given with the bone density loss. Apparently as I'm stopping prostrap next week my body will recover in its own time.
its a long hard road and lots of trial and error but will get there. i was prescribed the livial hrt as i was told an oestrogen based one would encourage endo growth. it helped a lot. will prob need to take a bone suppliment i guess when the time comes. fingers crossed u have a bit of a break before things return to normal x