Candida yeasts : Does anybody have any... - Endometriosis UK

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Candida yeasts

Nead profile image
6 Replies

Does anybody have any experience with a diet to get rid of candida? Seeing a lot online but feel there must be an easier solution. The bloating is making my endo symptoms worse

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Nead profile image
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6 Replies
moogs profile image

I had lots of problems with Thrush for a number of months. I did try the cadida diet but it's quite hard going. I did eventually get rid of it but not exactly sure how. I did change my diet quite a lot which I think helped; big reduction in wheat, lots of natural yoghurt and cutting down on sugar even cutting out bananas and only eating apples and berries fruit wise. My sister swears by using a clove of fresh garlic on a bit of string and uses this as a pessary. I read recently that a bit of local honey inserted into the vagina is good for rebalancing the vaginal flora too. Good luck!

Twinkle30 profile image

I found a big reduction in sugar like 'moogs' said and I take Biokult prebiotic daily. Yeast infections are fuelled by sugar.

I have also had increased discharge which the doctor said was thrush. I had no itch though and the discharge was continuous and not dependent on cycle. Talking to a fellow sufferer and she suggested I may have bacterial vagnosis. Got treatment for this from boots and it's worked.

So unless you have the thrush itch all the time and discoloured discharge it maybe BV instead which is very different. It is actually about your vagina beginning too acidic which is irritated just before your period due to the blood being more acidic and this maybe only time you get a little itchy. The rest of the time you just get lots of discharge.


NW248 profile image

Two really important things to know about candida - It produces a substance similar to the body's oestrogen and is stimulated to grow by oestrogen, so the candida and endo help each other along (endo also produces oestrogen). When you try to get rid of it, it sends messages to your brain (by releasing chemicals) telling it that you need carbs and making you feel ill. So you'll feel like you have a hangover and flu and crave carbs. This is really bad for a couple of days but then starts to get better.

A lot of the information online is extreme and often contradictory. Some suggest that you shouldn't eat mushrooms as they are fungus so could fuel it, frankly I'm not buying that, neither I am buying the idea that because nuts can get a fungus on you can't eat them, or the idea that pickles change the pH levels and help candida.

So what I tried, with success, was the following. Stop eating starches (bread, taties, pasta, rice etc.) eat much more root vegetables (this sort of pads put the diet to replace the starches). Cut out all added sugar and sweet foods like chocolate. Cut down on fruit but allow some less sweet fruits. Coconut oil is supposed to combat it, so I ate creamed coconut as a snack. Lots of thai food has coconut milk in it, I think Caribbean food does too. Drink one cup of Pau D'arco tea a day (get it from health food shops). Have plenty of natural yoghurt, if money is an issue, get a food flask and make your own yoghurt from some natural bought stuff. Have a salad with raw garlic, add oregano to foods when suitable.

I stuck to that pretty strictly for about a month and then started eating little bits of starchy foods, but still don't eat a lot. It takes about that long to kill off the candida but also takes a while for your body to get used to getting the energy it needs from fats and oils.

I should point out that I did this after I'd had a hysterectomy and I'm not sure how well it will work when you still have endo.

Alicepirate profile image

I find d'arco tea brilliant too plus daily cultures brand green tea seem to be good not had thrush for ages either after load of abx .

Nead profile image

WOW thank you all so much! I do feel really tired and almost hungover kind of feeling so I didn't know where to start. I'm off to get that tea and do some meal prep. Looks like a bit of a challenge but all this advice has really helped me figure out what to do next! Thank you all xxx

Franjanu profile image

i have written an article on it hope it helps :-)

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