Hi folks. Can any of you suggest anything instead of hot water bottle? Someone has mentioned heat pads in the past but I wonder if anyone has tried a TENS machine? It's for my daughter. Thanks for your support.
Anything instead of hot water bottle - Endometriosis UK
Anything instead of hot water bottle

Hi, I recently bought a TENS machine and have tried it a couple of times. It doesn't take away the pain but takes your mind off it. I bought mine from Lloyds pharmacy as it was in the sale.
I like tiger balm, again it doesn't get rid of pain but made it more comfortable it does have quite a strong smell but I like it! X
My tens machine worked for short periods but I could never wear it all day as it began to make me feel a bit numb or like I had pins and needles. I did wonder if a labour type tens machine would be better as endo pain is sometimes described as like contractions. Personally I prefer heat pads as they are more discrete
I have a plug in heat pad like a mini electric blanket which I got from Amazon. It's good for when I'm sitting on the sofa or at my desk working from home.
I alternate between my TENs machine and my heat pad. Both have helped to ease some of the pain