Am I totally alone with these symptoms? S... - Endometriosis UK

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Am I totally alone with these symptoms? Suspected endometriosis.

ggno profile image
13 Replies

I'm new to this forum, and would love to chat with some of you endo sufferers, just basically to see if my symptoms indicate endometriosis, and whether you guys have had similar experiences!

So basically, I started my period at the age of 15. They were never too painful - I got cramps and everything but they weren't anything that I couldn't cope with by taking a couple of painkillers. Around the time of starting my period, I noticed some pretty strange symptoms which appeared to be related to my stomach, such as extreme nausea, migraines, constant tiredness, a funny tummy (I'd have diarrhoea a lot more often than others), uncomfortable bloating etc. I distinctly remember going on holiday to Disneyland Orlando and being so unbelievably sick. I would have panic attacks every time I ate, because I'd gotten it in my head that my stomach was going to reject everything, I passed out at least once a week and I generally felt very unwell. I went to my doctor when I got home and was referred to a private hospital who did an ultrasound of my bowel and also an MRI scan, which both came back clear. After that my doctor was convinced that I was gluten intolerant, and that if I saw a dietician and cut gluten out of my diet, then my issues would all go away. So I did this, and for around 6 months after that, my symptoms seemed to be more under control. They were still there, but I felt a lot healthier in myself. At the same time as all of this, I started to notice that my periods were getting very irregular. I would come on at totally random times during the month, even if I'd already had my period that month. And some months I wouldn't get a period at all. Also, when I did get my period it was a hell of a lot more painful. Sometimes I'd be in crippling pain where I couldn't even stand up - it would feel like somebody was stabbing my lower stomach and back over and over again.

At some point in the next few months, I accidentally ate something containing gluten which didn't seem to trigger my symptoms at all, so I just reintroduced it back into my diet. I now consider my stomach problems as pretty normal and manageable - I'd say that maybe I suffer from a bit of IBS now and then, but nothing serious.

I became sexually active at the age of 17 with my first boyfriend, and was put on the pill (Rigevidon) which I found hugely helpful with regulating my periods. I'd take the pill everyday for three weeks and then have my week break where I would have my period, and I haven't missed another one since. The painful period pains that I started to get a few years back are still very much there, and I'd say that they have worsened. I am now 19 years old, and with a different boyfriend. Within the past 3-5 months, I've noticed a lot of worrying symptoms, causing me to think I had cervical cancer at first. Around 2 months ago, my stomach was playing up an awful lot - I'd need to rush to the toilet multiple times a day, and sometimes I could see blood in my stool (sorry TMI). I was also bleeding as though I was on my period, every single day, got super worried and went to the doctor when it got to the point where I was bed-ridden with stomach problems, exhaustion, nausea and weakness (I couldn't stand up without collapsing), and was diagnosed with a bladder infection. After a week on the antibiotics, I felt a lot better, but some symptoms were still there (e.g. the bleeding (relatively light most days, sometimes a brownish colour but when I wiped, it was clearly blood, I was starting to get searing pain when I was having sex, and then stopped having it because it was hurting so much and I was bleeding so much etc.). I was sleeping pretty much all day, and still am. I have constant pain (almost like a permanent dull ache in my lower stomach, more to the left side, that has episodes where it turns into stabbing pain). I saw a doctor, did a blood test and sent of a stool test and nothing was flagged up. This doctor however did say that she highly doubted that I had just suffered from a bladder infection, and that I was essentially misdiagnosed. I had none of the typical bladder infection symptoms, such as pain when urinating etc.

Around a fortnight after the bleeding symptoms really became noticeable, my nurse changed my pill because of my excruciating migraines, and put me on the mini pill (Cerelle). The bleeding has continued every single day, as have the other symptoms. I get waves of nausea multiple times during the day, and have painful bowel movements very often. I can't even say when my last actual period was, because I've been bleeding everyday, some days heavier than others, but I haven't noticed a streak of 5/6 days of heavy bleeding, so I'm really not sure if I've even had a period for a couple of months.

I have literally been living at the doctors recently - I've had a full STI check (I've only been with two people anyway, both virgins before, so highly unlikely), I've done a pregnancy test (negative), as I said I've had a stool test and a blood test too. After completely breaking down in tears with my doctor the other week, she suggested endometriosis as a possible diagnosis. I had an internal examination there and then, where she just looked at my cervix, and from what she could see, she said that it seemed pretty normal. I am however booked in for an ultrasound next week, and am seeing a gynaecologist the following week, and am really hoping for an answer to all this pain and mystery sickness. So that's where I'm at at the moment. I'm typing this laying on my bed with a heat pad on my stomach, and bad pains, preparing myself for multiple appointments next week.

EDIT: a couple of extra things I forgot to say!

- My cousin was diagnosed with endometriosis a couple of years ago

- I've been tested for ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease etc. and these have been ruled out

- My doctor told me to take two of my birth control pills (Cerelle) per night to try and stop the bleeding, but I've been doing this for two weeks now and there's been no change in the bleeding at all!

If you read all of this you deserve a medal and I thank you so much for taking the time. Please could you tell me if my experience sounds like endometriosis, or if I have some similar symptoms to you etc. I'd love to hear opinions. I haven't been in good health for years now, and as a 19 year old university student, living 3 hours away from my family, this is a horrid and scary experience for me to be going through alone :(

Thank you so much in advance! Hope you're all well xx

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ggno profile image
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13 Replies
KaylaKaye89 profile image

the nausea, vomiting, tired, painful ass periods, pain during sex...yes girl I def think you have endo...I was officially diagnosed 2 weeks ago!! best of luck love! <3

ggno profile image
ggno in reply to KaylaKaye89

Ah I'm glad you've found the answer to all your problems, but I'm sorry it had to be endometriosis! Thanks for your opinion, hopefully I'll have this sorted soon xx

KaylaKaye89 profile image
KaylaKaye89 in reply to ggno

thank you, it is a harsh reality, but its also a relief to know I'm not crazy and have my official diagnosis, I think a laroscopy is your best bet to find out for sure!im still recovering from mine, I had tons of scans and all they ever found were cysts but no answers, they put me through the ringer to finally get diagnosed! I hope you are able to find out the cause of your pain very soon,it really is shitty! :( much love <3

caroljane80 profile image

Aww bless u sweetheart sounds terrible. Ya know sometimes they can't see the endo on scans and alit depends on the skill of the radio ohrapher im MRI and ultra sound . Try get to a bsge centre as they are more experienced. Endo on the bowel seems to mystify gynes who really should know better. Also maybe can you get a scan of the inside of your bowels large intestine maybe I think it's a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy . Privately there are virtual coscopies at some hospitals privately for about £700 plus consultation. Good luck honey here to talk if you need be on the mystery category as well after having a hysterectomy that has made things better not worse in uk . Zolodex worked well for me it shuts off your ovaries for6 months but you will need hrt. It might shed some light on whether it's hormone related and you can go from there . Hugs I know how shit this is getting the "it's normal" answers all the time makes you feel bad hugs carol xxxxx

ggno profile image
ggno in reply to caroljane80

Hi Carol, thank you for replying! I'm aware that they sometimes can't see endometriosis on the ultrasound, but I'm determined to push my gynaecologist for a laparoscopy anyway, as I'm pretty sure now I have endometriosis. I've had bowel MRI's and ultrasounds a couple of years ago, but nothing was found. I'll see how the next few appointments go with my doctor and then with my gynaecologist. Thank you so much for taking the time to give me this advice, I really appreciate it. Hope you're well :) xxx

caroljane80 profile image
caroljane80 in reply to ggno

No problem I wish I had had more support years ago so I know how it feels when doctors etc just seem to go blind when it comes to this . It can sometimes be adhesions from earlier or other surgeries . I too never had any issues with my periods at all this all started around age 30 with a dermoid cyst on my ovary which was removed and the endo has been a bugger ever since I'm 43 now . My endo is / was pretty much outside my womb on bowel, bladder etc I think now there is a bit left somewhere or a bit of ovary material somewhere complicating matters . Ive had a hysterectomy with ovary removal but I'm worse now than I ever was on the zolodex . Trying to see how low I can go without the hrt and then arrange a blood test privately. I mentioned ovarian remnant syndrome to me and he started ranting on about ovaries being removed but you can get little patches of cells if they have been stuck somewhere and removed and they still act like they are still there. The other thing I said is maybe the bowel has now moved which it does after hysterectomy to fill the place where uterus was and now maybe this pulls on something. Anyway I'd never had. N MRI before the surgery or ever . So I had one recently and I have an appointment 9 thfeb it seems with a guy in general surgery not my usual gyne . I hope they find something good or bad I want to know what is causing the pain. For me I can only feel better and less pain by taking tiny tiny amounts of my hrt like 1/4 or even 1/6 of 1 tab of tibolone . Just to keep the night sweats and depression and anxiety away. Hope my info helps u

ggno profile image
ggno in reply to caroljane80

Thank you for all the advice, I'm very grateful! xx

rswx profile image

Sounds horrible. It does sound like endo probably in your bowel? I'm 19 too and had perfect periods til i was 17 and lots of pain and problems since, different symptoms to you but suspected endo. I've had an ultrasound with nothing abnormal showing up. Waiting to see a gynae now cos i want a diagnostic lap. Please persist, it's easy to get ignored when you're young!!! And join the fb group endorevisited it's been a great resource for information for me xx

ggno profile image
ggno in reply to rswx

Yeah I'd say my periods haven't been to bad up until I was around 16/17 when I noticed a difference. We seem to be in a similar position, waiting to see a gynaecologist (though I've got my ultrasound on Thursday). I wish you all the luck in the world - I'm definitely not going to give up - if no endo is found on the ultrasound then I'll still push for a lap. Thank you! xx

Linley profile image

Oh dear Ggno you have been through it, Tend to agree with Caroljanes comments but will add my own bit as an ex endo sufferer(had the menopause). I do not know what state I would have been in if I had not had private health cover with my job. A laparoscopy is the only clear way to fully diagnose Endo and where the deposits are located scans in my opinion are 2nd best mostly used by the NHS. If you have heavy periods yes that can churn up your gut and cause you to dive for the toilet(God, those were the days I won't forget). There is a link with confirmed IBS & Endo as deposits may stick to the bowel. In my case the ascending colon. A colonoscopy shows up all that is going on in the large intestine. Your whole body is in turmoil over your anxiety to get things properly diagnosed so go for it insist on a Lap & Colonoscopy. I was much older than you when I was diagnosed 3 Laps later to mop the deposits up, hormone treatment and then the menopause all is good except for IBS-d flare ups partly due to scar tissue on the ascending colon. Wish you well and let us know how you get on with the Gynae

ggno profile image
ggno in reply to Linley

Thank you, I'll let you know how I get on with my appointments! I have a feeling that if I do have endometriosis, then it will definitely be on my bowel, as that's where a lot of my problems lie. Thanks for your advice :)

caroljane80 profile image

Just to add S well I had a recent lap and they said no endo ???? But I think now they don't / can't look inside bowel on a lap only outside. For me no one had never looked inside my bowel only had crappy ultrasound in15 years !!!!recently had MRI see what they say in Feb appointment. This MRI is post hysterectomy by the way .

Lou7707 profile image

Hi GGno

I'm sorry to hear all this.

If you need someone to talk to, we do have a network of support that available to women with endometriosis. Our free helpline 0808 808 2227 is run by volunteers who have experience of endometriosis. The helpline is open most days – the times it is open can be viewed here:

Also, our website has lots of information about endometriosis.

Here is some info about understanding endometriosis and getting diagnosed


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