After long term pain (constant dull ache all across my pelvis and into my lower back with intermittent sharp shooting pains that take my breath away) and pretty much constant bleeding (mostly old brown blood with what looks like chunks of my insides, sorry way tmi) I'm going for a laperoscopy tomorrow and part of me is excited of the thought of not being in constant pain anymore but another part is worried in case they don't find anything and I end up back at square one. Do my symptoms sound like it could be endometriosis, sex is sometimes painful during but always afterwards for a few days and usually causes fresh bleeding. What makes me think it might not be is that I have three children who were all conceived naturally without any issues (sorry if that is insensitive to those struggling xx)
I am also having a hysteroscopy so they can check the inside of my womb and retrieve a lost coil which was meant to help but made things worse
Sorry for rambling on, I'm just feeling very emotional in general, I've been waiting so long for this and pinning all my hopes on them fixing me, I'll be crushed if they can't find what is causing the pain and bleeding xx