Hi everyone,
Im new to this forum so here is a bit of a background behind my diagnosis:
I was getting a lot of abdominal pain early last year which lead me to go and see my GP- they tried a lot and eventually sent me to see a gynaecologist who did an ultrasound and didn't find anything and then said it is most likely to be endometriosis but that for me they cannot fully diagnose due to my age.
As i am only just eighteen years old there were limited things that they could try, they can not do a laproscopy as there are increased risks at my age and the contraceptive pill caused me to have severe high blood pressure so im basically only just managing the symptoms with mefenamic acid.
I'm quite woried at the moment though because in my last relationship this caused a strain as sex was so painful i have become scared to even do it now and its so bad i'm scared to get into a new relationship. have you guys got any help or advice on this? I need to try things to reduce pain and also to mentally be able to help myself with this, all my friends don't understand and i feel stupid not being able to do something that so many people can do.
I love this forum it really makes me feel less alone! Hope to hear from you all soon with help or advice or your stories to do with any part of endometriosis.