did anyone else have an ultra scan and it came back clean?
Mine did and just feel like I am back to square one.
did anyone else have an ultra scan and it came back clean?
Mine did and just feel like I am back to square one.
Endometriosis is no detectable via ultrasound, so the fact that your scan came back clear does not mean you don't have endo. The surest way to diagnose endometriosis is by laparoscopy, so please don't let them fob you off with a clean ultrasound.
I had a clean ultrasound done, despite having a burst cyst, stage 3 endo, and adeno. They are not really used for endo diagnosis, although are often the fist port of call if you have gone to your GP with bleeding and other symptoms.
Mine came back clear and I've just had a cyst removed so they aren't always accurate it may seem!
Hi, I have endometriosis for over twenty years, the last 7-8 years my gp would repeatedly send me for ultra sound scans and they were clear! When I asked to have a second opinion with and endometriosis specialist rather than general gyni. I was eventually referred and I said to the specialist I know how bad I feel but the scans are clear, he said endometriosis does not show on ultrasounds whatsoever and the only scan that does is a MRI that is only upto about 80% accurate. I had an MRI and from there I have had full hysterectomy because I looked 9 months pregnant I was so full of endometriosis with my womb and ovaries totally engulfed. So I suppose what I am trying to say is you know your own body, don't be afraid to ask for a second opinion and take no notice of ultrasounds where endometriosis is concerned! Good luck