Hi my daughter started getting a pain in her lower right side at first they thought it might be her appendix so she was admitted to hospital but all her tests and blood work came back as normal they did find fluid in her abdom and thought she had had a ruptured syst but not confirmed 3 weeks on and several visits to the hospital she is still in so much pain !! About 3 years ago she had similar pain and all the blood work was normal then too when they finlay decided to look she had had adhesions on her colon so we are thinking she has more adhesions but gyne has said there is nothing wrong no one is doing anything and in the mean time my daughter is in pain they say if she had endo it would show up on her blood work please help
Unbearable pain and no diagnosis - Endometriosis UK
Unbearable pain and no diagnosis

If only endo showed up in our blood, how easy would diagnoses be, she would need a laparoscopy to check for endo, ask gp for a refferal to a bsge centre good luck xx
Never showed in any blood works I had , only way to 100% diagnose is a lap , when I first started periods when I was younger I had same issues went un treated until I was 23 and had ,had my daughter , doctors convinced my mum I was attention seeking X
Thank you for your reply she has been in constant pain for 3 weeks now and is meant to start a new job a week on Monday I am at my wits end
They never move quickly to help or diagnose , if possible find someone who knows about endo , my doctor didn't no much about it so it never crossed his mind that it could be that ,maybe try and get her into a female doctor print off information about endo and highlight the symptoms and demand a referral to see a gyno X
Thank you for your reply my daughter is 24 she has always had heavy periods with bad cramping and has always had problems with back pain she has a 4 year old son she had a laprascope where the found free blood and adhesions on her bowel and they separated them at the time and has had no issues since then . They did an internal scan with a wand and found fluid they also did a ct scan with dye that confirmed the fluid and was sent home with pain relief after several more visits to a&e they did and ultrasound that confirmed the fluid had gone sent home with more pain relief she is in excruciating pain that won't let up all her blood work is normal
You sound like an awesome mum. The only way to diagnose endo is by laparoscopy. Keep pushing for the help you need and don't give up - your daughter needs effective pain relief and a gynae who will listen to her and take her pain seriously. It sounds to me like there is enough to indicate that a laparoscopy would be the next step. She might have lesions that were missed the first time and an ultrasound/wand scan probably won't show them unless they are absolutely huge. If you and she feel that a laparoscopy is what she needs, then don't give up until you get it. I'm sure that Glasgow or Edinburgh will have a center of excellence for endometriosis. Good luck x