Hi, I'm a 24 year old female who has been suffering with very bad pain in my right side, also causing bleeding after sex ..... On Monday 7th September (few days ago) I went in for a gyne laparoscopy diagnostic keyhole surgery whilst in there the surgeon found I have endometriosis near my womb. They said they've removed it via laser treatment. The surgery as gone well so far just suffering some pain in my shoulder ....however the nurse told me that I would be sent out a letter to go to the clinic in next 8 weeks .... Can someone tell me why this is?? Is it just to discuss what they've found, what it is....& next stages etc? They didn't explain! I'm an individual that didn't know this existed until now! And I feel scared because of it all.... I haven't had a child yet (career head on my shoulders) but it will destroy me if I can't have kids! ....please can anyone tell me why this appointment will be made, what's the purpose. Is it worth my boyfriend getting work off to come with me? ...if discussions is being made. Thanks in advance.
Need advice... Got told I would get a let... - Endometriosis UK
Need advice... Got told I would get a letter to go to clinic after surgery...why? Please read description for details.

Please dont worry about this appointment .Its pretty standard to have an appointment to discuss what they did and found after surgery also to see how you are doing.
You must feel lost at the moment ,a really good source of information that I found really useful when I was first diagnosed was the endometriosis uk website it's a mine of useful plain speaking information
As I said please don't worry about appointment
Take care
Please don't worry. It is very routine. I had my follow up in August, and it is just a follow up, to discuss the surgery, and how you are feeling... Hopefully the surgery will help with your symptoms, and any plans to help manage the condition... Which is normally hormone treatments, such as coil, pill.
I took my partner with me, as we did discuss options for us with having children, so this is something you can discuss with your consultant.... They can help with this, and lots of people have gone on to have children. It all depends on the severity of your endo.
They can also answer any questions you have with regard to the endometriosis .
Good luck and take care. I hope that shoulder pains gone... Think that's the worst bit
Hi, I agree with the other 2 posters about not worrying, and that this is just routine feedback. However, as you say that you didn't know that Endometriosis existed until now, I would grasp this as an opportunity to learn as much as you can about endo - and it's manifestation in you. Armed with the best up-to-date knowledge - and starting with the Endo UK site, as mablesky suggests, you can become the expert on your condition. I say this because many GPs and even many general gynaecologists, still don't know enough about Endo, and you may want to see an endometriosis specialist. There are specialist endo medical clinics in the UK, that you can ask to be referred to. I suggest looking up posts on here by Lindle: she is a mine of information and gives a link to theses sites as well as books to check out, and loads of invaluable guidance. Maybe email her on here.
Above all, don't worry, but now that you know you have endo, use your 'careerhead' to guide your own gynaecological destiny.
Please do not worry everyone who has any type of surgery has a follow up six to eight weeks after just to see how you are and to discuss what they did or didn't find during the procedure and if you need any follow up treatment or medication more often than not if everything has settled down they discharge you.
Endometriosis is a special group where only doctors in the case are closed looking at. They are gathering anonymous information about our bodies. Endometriosis is not known what it is caused by or what it is triggered by. In either case , for the past years no difference had been noticed between us and the womens non suffering. Depending of the severity off the endometriosis the following up clinic will explain you where have they find the endometriosis ;example:I went for left hand side and got a severe stage four endometriosis on my bowel ,bladder and womb. Among the explanation of the situation they will ask you how is your pain level, and what are your future plans. Beware endometriosis is causing higher level off infertility hence this should be part of the conversation. Whatever future plans you have, this is part of your decision from now on.
About your boyfriend,if he is considering a family future and you have been long together,than yes I will say it may be worth coming with you. It is difficult to know what is happening inside when nothing is seen from outside...
I hope the appointment will help you both understand what to expect, and please don't panic,answers will come
I look forward to hearing from you