Well I've been to the RVI today for my first (second opinion) gynae appt, the main consultant was off poorly with a sickness bug which is flipping typical when I've got an appt, I saw his under study and she was fantastic, it was lovely to finally have someone that listens to what me and my husband had to say, she basically said my lady consultant obviously didn't know what they were talking about as I have classic symptoms of endometriosis, she also said that it looks like I've been put through enough all though she wants me to start Zoladex injections every month for the next 3 months but if symptoms get bad to come straight off them and she booked another appt for 10th Sept, I can't believe the difference of care and consideration I received today from seeing my last consultant who basically didn't care, I finally came out of an appt with a smile on my face and sighing with huge relief..............on a different note because us women do it anyway... Can anyone give me any advice regarding the Zoladex injections good and bad welcome x x x
Finally I have not cried after seeing a c... - Endometriosis UK
Finally I have not cried after seeing a consultant!!!

Hi Hutchy, so glad to hear you finally got somewhere and was listened to,
Is this the injection that puts you in a false menapause?
if so i had this for 7 months and it was amazing, no pain what so ever, did have the hot flushes but not too bad.
let us know how you get on
sending hugs
Yeah I think that's the one dk1136, I can have prostap so they've asked me to try that for 3 months, I got hot flushes off northisterone so hoping I'm not to bad with this.....so pleased to be listened to for once x x
I am pleased you had a good appointment. Are the team at RVI really good? I need a second opinion and was looking in to going there.
RachaelP this was my first appt but they were lovely from the reception staff down to the consultant who I saw, it's all thanks to Lindle who advised my about them x x
hi which hospital did you go to first before the rvi as I had a really bad experience in Carlisle.
Hi I had opp at Carlisle and it was a waste of time, the consultant was horrible and just kept saying I had to take menapouse drugs and there was no other options, I have never felt so upset and life was just not worth living. I went back to my doctor and demanded to be sent somewhere else and he sent me to middlesborugh as they are specialist centre, this was the best decision I have ever made, I had appointment within 5 weeks and had operation 2 weeks later and as suspected I was riddled with endo eventhough Carlisle had said there was nothing wrong. I am now 1 year post opp and feel so much better, the level of care and more importantly understanding I received at middlesburgh was second to none and thanks to them I now have my life back.