Hi everyone, sorry for the pointless post but I just really needed to talk to someone. So I am waiting on a gynaecologist appointment at the moment to see if I have Endo but it seems likely. I've had lower back and pelvic pain since the birth of my son 9 months ago. I also had prolonged bleeding which is when I had a scan (that didn't explain the bleeding) and Endo was first mentioned. Having looked it up I seem to relate to a lot of the other symptoms. I've not had any of them severely but I've had most of them on and off mildly at least for years. My gynaecologist appointment isn't for another 7 weeks but in the mean time the back ache and pelvic pain continues and I'm finding it hard to get through the day not knowing what this is and looking after a 3 year old and a 9month old! My husband also is on shifts so I do most of the child care at the moment as I'm on maternity leave.
The problem is that he just doesn't get why I'm so low and upset all the time. The pain is horrible but not crippling. Its more the fact that its almost constant and having just had my period its currently at its worst. He doesn't seem to understand why I can just ignore it and stop worrying until I have my appointment and find out more.
I've tried explaining and he said he gets it but I can tell he really doesn't so I go through each day saying I'm fine when he asks even though I'm not. I don't really have anyone else I can talk to about this which is making it harder. I cant wait until my appointment now to hopefully feel like I'm making progress!
Sorry rant over, I just felt like I had to get that out!