Crapping myself!: Hi ladies, I'm literally... - Endometriosis UK

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Crapping myself!

bernie93 profile image
10 Replies

Hi ladies,

I'm literally crapping myself right now. I got my surgery date today and it's like 13 days away! I'm really really scared, like so scared i had a panic attack. My head is full of what if's. I haven't got a pre op, is that normal? I've never had surgery before so i don't know what to expect. Would it be a good idea to see my gp first? Just to get re assured?

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bernie93 profile image
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10 Replies
Mindstorm profile image

I had a lap 2 years ago and the pre-op just checked my blood pressure, weighed me and took swabs for MRSA. When I went for the surgery they did the same things anway so I don't know if they are really essential if you don't have known conditions. My father-in-law had a massive one before a hip replacement but only because he had a heart attack years ago.

Being scared is normal. I had 2 weeks notice for mine and was OK until the day before and that Friday at work I was all antsy setting up things for when I was off and it all became real then. The morning of the op, I was a PM session, I was a nervous wreck. It was made worse when the hospital rang and I thought they were going to cancel but they wanted me in earlier. I cried all the way there and even more when they said my husband couldn't wait. There were other ladies there who had things done before and they were wonderfully supportive and calmed me so much and I did stop crying. The nurses were kind. When they took me down the anesthetist and his assistant knew how to deal with me, they were funny, clearly in control and knowledgeable. It was all far better than I could have hoped for. I came round quite quickly and was demanding a pay phone to let my husband know I was alive and OK (!) the nurse on the ward rang him for me and told him I was anxious he knew I was OK and based upon my chattiness he could come and pick me up in an hour.

If your GP is good then no harm in seeing them to get your mind put at rest.

bernie93 profile image
bernie93 in reply to Mindstorm

thank you so much, i just had my op assesment over the telephone, and the nurse was lovley. Unfourtunatley, my boyfriend is unable to wait with me, which i'm a bit upset about, but after speaking to the nurse, i'm sure i will be fine! i'm quite lucky with the fact that i've only had a short wait for this surgery!

Tboag profile image

Hi Bernie, that's great news, and just keep in mind why it's being done,

I had my first lap 3weeks ago, I was nervous, but it was fine,

Unfortunately I had a long wait do make sure you take a book or game or puzzle book ect, my husband stayed with me all day, that just depends on the hospital tho, I got they at 8 and waited till 4 but then it all went v quick, ten mins after they said going down I was coming round, my surgery was90 mins and 90 mins later I was awake

The nurses and doc where all lovely, I stayed in over night more because of the late time than anything else, I hadn't wee,d and it was getting later and I wanted my husband to get home for the boys.

It's abit u comfy for a few days, unfortunately my symtoms havnt gone, but was diagnosed with ADENOMYOSIS to,

I'm no due a total hysterectomy.

Good luck xxxx

bernie93 profile image
bernie93 in reply to Tboag

thank you so much, i just had my op assesment over the telephone, and the nurse was lovley. Unfourtunatley, my boyfriend is unable to wait with me, which i'm a bit upset about, but after speaking to the nurse, i'm sure i will be fine! i'm quite lucky with the fact that i've only had a short wait for this surgery!

Mindstorm profile image

You'll be fine, there will be other people there in the same boat. I'm not one for small talk but found that more relaxing than the book I had taken - that came in handy for the recovery period.

I'm on the list for another lap and whilst I am sure I will have wobbles I am far more comfortable with the idea this time round and hopefully I will be able to ease the nerves of a first timer when I go in to pay it forward.

bernie93 profile image
bernie93 in reply to Mindstorm

I go to a maths class, there's a nurse there and she told me what happenwithan anaestheti, definitely feel a bit more confident about the surgery now. I think it is the not knowing whats happening that's the worst. Ive never had an surgery before haha. I'm sure it'll be one of those things that sounds worse than what it will be x

dk1136 profile image

hi bernie, i had a lap done in 2013, i was nervous aswell but just wanted to know what was wrong for me, im glad the nurse was lovely to you, it makes you at ease doesnt it, i hope everything goes well for you and please let us know how it went, everything will be fine, x

bernie93 profile image
bernie93 in reply to dk1136

thankyou, I was sick this morning because of the worry, but i keep getting waves of confidence and then waves of ''i can't do this'' haha, i have spent all day at work thinking of the pros and not the cons, and i have booked myself in to see my gp on wednesday for some tips to help me relax. I think I will be okay!

Emma-louise profile image

Try not to panic, i know its easier said than done, but it really is okay! I had my lap last June, and was practically sick with worry that morning, but it was fine, and the nurses are so so nice! I was worried right to the point where i went 'under' the anaesthetic, and the anaesthists were just so nice and tried so hard to calm me down.

I had a pre-op type thing when i was given my letter for my lap, which meant i just had to have some questions answered and a swab of my saliva to make sure i didnt have MRSA, and they also took my height and weight.

It really will be okay though :)

Emma Xx

bernie93 profile image

thankyou, I was sick this morning because of the worry, but i keep getting waves of confidence and then waves of ''i can't do this'' haha, i have spent all day at work thinking of the pros and not the cons, and i have booked myself in to see my gp on wednesday for some tips to help me relax. I think I will be okay!

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