Hello, as the title says I just need a bit of support and reminder I'm not going through this alone.
This period has been horrific pain wise. I get terrible trapped wind/constipation sometimes which causes everything from my stomach down to just spasm and cramp in agony. I could barely walk yesterday and nearly threw up in pain. I got really scared and shouted for my other half to help me as I felt so faint then everything went black as I stood up but didn't faint fortunately. It passed after about an hour. I've had it before but it's gotten worse. I think it might be the Clomid causing the endo to get very enraged.
I don't know how much I can take. I'm exhausted and so so bloated I can't do any trousers up and all my stomach muscles feel tight and sore. I feel i could pop and that I'm full of air but not constipated.
Psychologically I'm struggling so much. I'm waiting for an mri next to determine how deformed my reproductive organs are and if they can access my eggs for ivf. It's killing me as a very close friend has just found out she's pregnant unexpectantly and although I'm so happy for Her I can't help but feel incredibly bitter and jealous. I can't stop crying. I cry going to work, re touch up my make up, cry at lunch then do the same and continues throughout most of the evening.i know things with my mood are quite worrying (I work in mental health) but I feel very hopeless and lost at the moment.
Sorry I'm aware this sounds like a self-indulgent post. Along with Infertility issues and this pain as well as general life stressors I'm running out of resilience