Alcohol and endometriosis? : Hi I havent... - Endometriosis UK

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Alcohol and endometriosis?

17 Replies

Hi I havent yet been diagnosed but I was wondering if anyone else gets really bad tummy pains and i know its horrible but diarrhoea aswell not long after drinking beer aswell as feeling really sick even after 1-2 drinks? Also is this even related to endometriosis?

Thanks xx

17 Replies
Brownlow profile image

If you are drinking anything with yeast or wheat in it this might explain your problems. I have stopped drinking alcohol apart from the odd glass of red wine. Alcohol will put a drain on the liver's resources. The liver is very important for endo.

Many women with endo are gluten sensitive or even gluten intolerant/coeliac.

in reply to Brownlow

Yes I usually drink lager, and I have noticed that I seem ro bloat and the pains in in my hops worsen when ive eaten anything like bread, ddes it make you feel really sick aswell? X

Impatient profile image

Yes it is, indirectly , and alcohol is something a lot of us have had to abandon.

It rapidly causes me severe tummy pains - even a mouthful of champers with a meal to toast a bride and groom and by the end of the meal i am in Arghhhhhhhhh.

I don't touch caffeine, or anything fizzy drink like either. mostly stick to water. it's the safest option by far.

I can't even risk a trifle at x-mas -sadly !! the endo diet page - has alcohol on the foods to avoid list.

I certainly find my digestive system very intolerant of alcohol. I get rapid and sharp severe cramp and pain low down the digestive tract near my uterus area. it doesn't cause any problem in the actual stomach, the problems are further down the pipe work and the pain can be so intense and uncomfy - that I simply refuse to put myself through that these days. It isn't worth it, it isn't fun at all and it takes a long time to calm down.

Having endo wrecks your immune system to a greater extent and makes your digestive system more delicate shall we say. Certain foods and drinks cause a pain reaction when it irritates the digestive tract and can intensify existing pains too and are best avoided completely.

figuring out which foods and drinks we each are struggling with is a very individual voyage of discovery - trial and error.

and when you do realise a particular item is not tolerated then avoid it as much as you possibly can.

in reply to Impatient

Wow does it get that bad with everyone? I feel so sorry for you! Thanks for the website link its very helpful. I had 2 lagers before after only having a mild ache in my legs all day and now about an hour on I started getting shooting pains down my thighs and in my tummy I now also have back ache and my legs feel like ive done a 40 mile run :/ it not fun at all. Thank you for the info its definitely made me open my eyes . Ive got an appointment with my GP tomorrow so im going to talk about the possibilities of having endo and try and push for a lap x

Louoakley profile image
Louoakley in reply to

Hi I've been referred for a lap, I've had loads of symptons for endo, they sent me for lots of scans but nothing came back, had the coil fittted last year then it calmed down a little now it's full on back again, this time like you, terrible back ache, legs feel like I live in the gym, really hope younger some answers xxx

Kymmy profile image

I couldn't drink before my lap as it was too painful to. Now I've had my lap I've has a night out and it is hurting and causing an upset stomach but not as bad

KateyKat profile image

Yeah, I think it definitely affects it. I used to feel really awful after drinking beer, slow, bloated and in a lot of pain so I've abandoned it now. I now just to stick to the occasional gin & tonic or small glass of wine and thankfully that, even if it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable, doesn't seem too bad...

I've only recently started making changes to my diet, the main one being that I'm avoiding dairy, and I can already notice the difference. It really does pay to be careful with what you eat and drink and you'll feel much better and full of energy for it :) maybe keep a food diary? That's what I'm doing and it's a lot easier to pinpoint triggers that way.

Good luck! :)


in reply to KateyKat

Thank you, and yeah thats a good idea, ive found that I bloat and get pain when I eat bread, pasta and milky foods like yoghurts aswell as alcohol :/ xx

NoshB profile image

yes i feel sick all the time even after 1 or 2 drinks, I throw up all the time too after small amounts of alcohol and hangovers last for days!! I have no idea if its the endometriosis or something to do with the bowels but also could be because of any meds your on? Also beer might be too heavy on you stomach too if your already getting stomach pain.

hope you feel better soon xxx

in reply to NoshB

Im only on the pill and thats only to regulate my periods, I throw up all the time too and my hangovers are horrendous. At the time i had a drink I didnt have any pain until afterwards. I get it when i drink anything else like wine or spirits :/ its rubbish xx

NoshB profile image
NoshB in reply to

I found the pill was making me throw up and feel sick even more! but yes i think alcohol is prob best avoided...well most of the time anyway, i can only drink now knowing i have 2 days to recover, it is rubbish i know but sometimes it isnt actually worth it! xxx

I've never been much of a drinker but i used to be fine when i did have the occasional night out. But since i've had my endo, my body cant cope with it at all! My mums taken to cooking with red wine as of late and it cant even handle that, i find myself with diarrhoea the next morning and my stomach just cramps and bloats. Its horrible, even if you have the slightest suspicion that its causing problems, stop having it. Its not worth it x

in reply to

I always get a bad stomach the day after, I dont drink much now anyway just the odd 1 or 2 every now and then. Chocolate liqueurs do it aswell. I guss its no more alcohol from now on then lol xx

moonbaby profile image

Reading this makes a lot of sense for me now. When I was 18 I told my mum I didn't like bread and pasta and really tried not to eat it. But always had bad pain in the evening after daily/alcohol but thought nothing of it, I thought it was because I was on my feet all day. I've been diagnosed with Endo for a while now but not made changes to my diet until Christmas where I noticed alcohol was making the pain three times worse. Last week I tried the gluten+dairy free cakes/snacks and this week I feel really awake and energetic. I feel really emotional that something so small has made a difference to the pain. Will stick to it.

justineheaton profile image

I can get away with the odd drink, but if I drink heavily or consistently this gives me tummy pains. It's all endo linked for me. xx

Starstellar7 profile image

Alcohol is an inflammatory especially if it has wheat in it. Alcohol also gets filtered through your liver which is already working hard.

I've found I really can't drink much anymore as it makes me feel horrid. Even a glass or two of wine has this effect on me now. A big night out can literally put me in bed for a day and make me feel ill for two or three. It's crap!

Anri profile image

Whoa! I must be lucky since alcohol is the only thing that actually makes it better. Pains ease, fatigue lifts, life is good. Not a healthy drug though :D it does cause diarrhea the next day which I gladly welcome, since I am terribly and painfully constipated at most times, or already having diarrhea - the diarrhea also affects healthy people since alcohol increases bowel movement and prevents food absorption from the small intestine.

But all in all, it is not all negative with alcohol, and having to deal with all that we do, I think it is a healthy mood lift if you can handle it :) I would cut out the beer though which can bloat you up really bad and stick to wines and cocktails, and herbal spirits such as jägermeister, if you enjoy shots. Sounding like a heavy-user here, that is not the case, I have just worked with alcohol importing for quite a while 😂

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