Overnight bag? : Hey I have my laparoscopy... - Endometriosis UK

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Overnight bag?

amberm profile image
13 Replies

Hey I have my laparoscopy on the 30th April and they say to pack an overnight bag just in case, what do you recommend I take? Thank you! :)

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amberm profile image
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13 Replies
tinkerbell1993 profile image

I took pj's very very loose around the tummy I took a size like 4 sizes bigger than me because of the gas filling up your stomach, slippers and a dressing gown for walking down to surgery I had to wear them. A toothbrush, toothpaste, face wipes so you can freshen up in the morning if you need to :) I took a hairbrush and hairbobbles to tie my hair up out of the way too :) Good luck! if you want some to chat to pm me! :) xxx

nayjay profile image

Other things I took were some sanitary products incase of post op bleeding (hospital ones can be a bit uncomfortable )Pop some peppermint tea bags in just in case you get pain from the gas maybe, and if you have on a non mains charger for your mobile ( we weren't allowed to plug in a charger) so I took a 'pebble' to charge it and maybe a book/iPod/magazine incase you're awake and get a little bored :)

Hope all goes well and you're able to get back home to your own bed :) take care x

amberm profile image

Thank you :)

Definitely comfy large loose fitting p.j.'s and perhaps one size larger underwear. I was desperately sick from the morphine so I had to stay over night. Mostly I wished I brought my tablet so that when I was awake, I could chat with friends and family ( I felt very lonely as I don't ever sleep away from my family). Don't forget the deodorant. ;) Oh, and maybe bendy straws. It was very difficult for me to get drinks while in the reclined position. The pads idea is a great one, but get the overnight or the Tena bladder ones, because you will bleed.....a lot.

Definately take a pillow to cushion your tummy for the way home.i also packed a nightie, toilet bag inc baby wipes, toothbrush & paste, sanitary towels ( nighttime incase bled heavy) largeg knickers so they dont dig into your incion sites, slip on slippers to go the the bathrom in hospital but easy put on flat shoes for leaving hospital. I put a hoody in & a light weight rain coat incase it was raining when left hospital. Mints to suck is a good idea if you're throat is sore ( mine wasn't - just a precaution) . The best thing I can recommend is that at the last minute I bought a heat pad (£30 from argos ) & it was brill for the shoulder gas pain. It plugs in so not sure NHS would allow but I found it amazing. Good luck xx

KM1986 profile image

Pack a change of undies in case they keep you in overnight. A lovely lady on here told me to take cosy socks for during your op as you can wake up cold - great tip. Take slippers as well and a long dressing gown as I had to walk from the ward to the op theatre. Face wipes, mouth wash, (usual things like toothpaste) and maybe a nice body spray to freshen you up. I also took anti bac hand gel - but I always have that lol. Good luck xx

DrWatson profile image

Take a towel too in case you want to wash. I recommend a nightie over pjs as it's easier to put on and slippers that are easy to slip on without having to bend down. Oh and snacks, take food as any I was given in hospital was vile. Eating made me feel better faster.

Kell27 profile image


I had mine a few weeks ago. I packed:-

Hair bobble to tie up hair

Slippers although didn't use them as was wheeled down

Nightgown again didn't use it

Nightdress - I would recommend this over pjs. I actually didn't chNgs into if as they kept me in my gown. The nurses kept checking my incisions and drain so I only had my gown on the whole night (goodbye dignity!!)

Baby wipes

Nighttime sanitary towel

Your usual products for he morning tooth brush etc - I couldn't face a shower the next morning as literally couldn't stand for too long...I got one later that day when I was home

I brought my tablet and book but lucky I had a tv in room though was disinterested in it and slept

Bendy straws and water / the thirst you get is unreal!

For going home:-

Bridget jones type underwear lol I am a 12 but bought size 16!

A long vest top cause the tummy is bloated

Zip up jacket (although didn't zip up)

The comfiest joggy bottoms make sure they are not tight buy next size up

For home:-

Buy an electric heat pad - will change your life. I got mine on amazon so so so good! Like. Mini version of electric blanket

Nighttime sanitary towels I bled a few days

Peppermint tea (I must be soo lucky cause I didn't get the gas in shoulder!!)

Hope it helps!! A few tips that helped me - trying coughing a lot and taking deep breaths post op in hospital if you had a tube in I took a chest infection and I didn't kno that if I done that it would have decreased the risk of it happening. Now this sounds crude BUT I didn't get any gas post op in shoulder as I tried to "expel" it As much as I can as quickly as I can ;-)

Best of luck it honestly isn't too bad (I had stage 4 and wAs in nearly two hours)

Impatient profile image

Food - snacks, always hungry after an op and it's never convenient for meal times in hosp. I usually take a chocky bar and a tube of pringles as emergency fodder.

Wetwipes or Baby wipes essential for cleaning off the disinfectant dye on your tummy so you don't stain your own clothes, as well as keeping clean and tidying up food and drink spills.

If you have long hair- scrunchies with no metal in them to tie your hair up during the op and keep it tied back in case you vomit from the anaesthetic after coming round from the op.

I would leave all valuables at home in a bag- to be brought in by relatives after the op should you be kept in overnight. No point leaving ipods etc lying around while you are having your op and while you are so drowsy from the anaesthetic that you can't keep an eye on the stuff.

Leave make up, jewellery etc at home. you can't wear them for the op in anycase and it isn't fashion parade.


DO Wear your loudest fluffy warm sox. It's the only bit of your own clothing you can wear and it gives the op surgical team a giggle. Take a teddy bear with you if you are anxious - they do allow you to have a cuddly creature.

Dressing gown to wear as you take your hourly potter up and down the ward - and definitely do make sure you are up and about asap after the op. the more frequent your wanderings up and down the ward the quicker you will go home, and it helps healing even though it hurts, and it clears out the trapped gas and it wards off DVT by getting your circulation going and it staves off constipation from pain killers.

Back at home preparations should include laxatives, plasters and dressings and antiseptics for the wounds, pain killers, moving all essentials to waist height so you are not reaching up and bending down too much when that really hurts. A flask to carry hot drinks in so you don't spill hot things when walking between rooms, while holding your tummy with one hand and steadying yourself with a supporting wall or furniture with the other hand.

Buy, write and stamp and post cards for any birthdays or anniversaries etc that are due in the 4 weeks after an op. Get them out the way.

Stockpile a list of light duties you can be doing - craft projects that need finishing, watching DVDs, photos and albums that need labelling, Get on top of housework, hoovering, ironing etc. It could be some time before those activities can be done without pain so have the house as ready for your return as it can be.

You are only in hosp for a day or two and will be looked after - you will have a few weeks at home to cope with too and not with too much support.

Make sure that you have plenty of toilet paper and other essentials like microwaveable meals. fruit to nibble on, that sort of thing.

You might even want to consider signing up for supermarket home delivery of foods if you are not fit to drive or cannot manage a lengthy walk round the supermarket and carrying shopping bags etc.

have cash in your purse to pay for any deliveries and take aways that you order - or even paying back neighbours and friends who stop by to offer to do shopping for you.

Common sense things really - just imagine you are being snowed in for a fortnight, with only 1 arm working, your other arm will be spending a lot of time holding your sore tummy.

LeyaC profile image

I was told by someone to drink flat coca cola after the op to get rid of the gas and it works really well so before you go in I'd suggest buying a pack of them and keep shaking and opening them, leaving the cap off for a bit, whatever you can do to get it flat and then when you've had your op, just keep taking sips, its not fizzy so won't make you sick but gets rid of the gas really well, good luck for your lap!! This post has really helped me too because I'm ttsvelling for my lap and will need to stay overnight :) xxx

grumpy_girl profile image

I've had 3 laps now & what I got wrong on the first was NOT taking any money. I knew not to take valuables, but many hospitals have bedside Tvs & you might need money to use them. If you come round quickly after the op, you can get very bored so just take a £10 note or similar so you can get a tv card if needed! I found that I was a bit too drowsy to concentrate on a book, so drifting off to crap daytime tv was just perfect....

030612 profile image

I always take throat sweets like halls soothers as ur throat will be sore and it hurt when I coughed. I always take a pillow for car too to put between u and the seatbelt.

nomes7 profile image

Good point about the throat sweets. My throat was sore and a bit tickly and coughing after a lap was not fun! Strangely, I found that eating a marshmallow got rid of the tickle and helped soothe my throat. So maybe pack marshmallows? (Your overnight bag is turning into overnight bagS at this rate!)

Best of luck for your lap.

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