Mood swings kicking in. Feel so lonely an... - Endometriosis UK

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Mood swings kicking in. Feel so lonely and will cry at anything.

7 Replies

Its really getting me down and im now at breaking point.

7 Replies
Brownlow profile image

Hi Septimus00,

That's an interesting choice of name!

Sorry to hear you are finding things hard. I had a look at your profile and from your previous posts it seems you are on Zoladex. Is that correct? What are you on the Zoladex for? Is it in preparation for surgical treatment or a case of 'let's see if this works'?

I was on Zoladex to prepare for an op 2 years ago. I recently learnt that it is recommended for use up to a maximum of 6 months (anyone, please correct if this is wrong). This is enough to tell you that it's a pretty powerful drug that basically fiddles around with your hormones with the effect of calming down the endo symptoms. The trouble is that other symptoms often occur. I'm sure you know all this.

The next thing to ask is are you in HRT with it? If you are on Zoladex for 'observation' purposes then I would think not, but if it's having this sort of effect on you then maybe you need to think of HRT or stop the Zoladex.

It's hard to know without a bit more background.

Zoladex really affected my memory and my mood even when I had HRT. I used to get bad nightmares for a few days after the injection. I had to get trusted colleagues to cover for me at work because it affected my brain function! Even to this day I feel my memory is still not great. I had the hot flushes too before I screamed for HRT!

Tell us a bit more.

Take care. x

Im having it as lets see if it works treatment. Ive had two injections so far and been struggling through them without hrt. Im trying to keep going as cant stand the pain. Im exhaustedand feel alone. Im trying to reduce my stress level but finding it hard. Xx

Brownlow profile image
Brownlow in reply to

I should have been more specific.

Are you on Zoladex to see how your endo would behave if you had a radical hysterectomy? Some doctors insist on this before doing a hysterectomy taking out the ovaries too. If the drug induced menopause does not reduce the endo then a surgically induced menopause will probably not work. (I don't believe in the hysterectomy approach but that's another vast debate).

If the idea is to keep you on it longterm then I think that means you'd be taking it against the manufacturers recommendations. They don't know enough about the longterm effects of this drug to validate longterm use. It would be a decision you make with your doctor.

I shouldn't think that it's standard practice for an endo specialist to consider longterm use of Zoladex as a viable solution. Which means my next question is....what type of specialist is prescribing this? An accredited endo specialist or a general gynae?

jay42 profile image

Hi, Its so lovely to come to this site and share our experiences with others!! I had a laparoscopy just over 1 week ago. They removed chocolate cysts and left ovary/fallopian tube. I am still not over the hurdle yet though as during my laparoscopy they have also found that I have diverticular disease of my sigmoid colon (not very nice - problems with my bowels) and so I am not completely pain free at the moment. Wounds from laparoscopy are however healing nicely, although I do feel extremely tired, sore and tender. I also have found that I have been crying at absolutely anything and everything. My mother in law is a doctor and she can't understand why this is happening as she feels it has nothing to do at all with hormones and perhaps its the fact that I have been through quite a bit of pain, discomfort as well as recent op and still have other possible surgery to face so I am not through the mill yet and all this does get me down!! I really do feel for you but please keep your chin up - you are not alone. I wish you all the very best. Take care of you xx

The zoladex is meant to be for 6 months. They have denied me a hysterectomy even tho im 27 and myson nearly 11. This is meant to be my treatment plan. It was regular gynae who prescribed. Xx

Clem01 profile image

I did zoladex but took HRT I had no side effects at all so im actually ok about that part of my hysterectomy. Go back & see if they can put u on HRT x

Brownlow profile image

Hi again septimus00,

You do need to check the status of your specialist. Check if you are under the care of an accredited endo centre here or an aspiring centre here

If not, get referred to one immediately because you have endo which is not some general gynae problem but a very complex condition. A general gynaecologist is not appropriately experienced to treat you in my opinion. Demand this referral from your GP and don't take no for an answer.

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