Really good article.
Daily Mail today have an story on a woman... - Endometriosis UK
Daily Mail today have an story on a woman with Endo.
Yes a very informative article - and the comments underneath just reinforce so many of the problems faced by women with endo in the UK.
Thanks for this mama1 - very good article.Will get the message across to lots.
A good article. Goes into more detail than most articles that are rarely seen.
My only criticism is when it says: 'The advantage is that if endometriosis is found it can be treated - surgically removed or destroyed using heat - at the time'. It makes it sound like it can be treated like a fungal nail infection and that is it no more! It doesn't say that a lap and excision of endo only eases for a little bit and that it grows back and is a continuous, chronic disease. Or is it just me reading into it wrongly?
I agree squidgy the same thought went through my mind!!
There's a new endo report in the DM today too. this time in the lung cavity.