Hi All,
I was wondering if any of you could offer some advice.
I was diagnosed with stage 1 endo at the beginning of this year after a lap. I was put on Cerazette to help stop my periods but this hasn't helped. My consultant said that there wasn't really a lot that they could do as I didn't want to have the menopausal injections and sent me away to see him next year after I get married (when we hope to start trying for children).
Since then my periods have been less painful and not as long. Last year I was bleeding for periods of 15 weeks! However around the middle of August my skin flared up with large spots around my mouth and on the right side of my face along jaw line. I just put this down to stress. However this has persisted. For someone with very clear skin normally it has been rather distressing. Then in September I started with very dark brown/black thick blood almost like a gel. I have had this before for a week or so at the start of my period, but it has lasted for now 7 weeks. It can burn and can be rather uncomfortable! I am starting to get back my pelvic and leg pain and stabbing pains when I am desperate for the loo!
I am concerend for a number of reasons.....
a. bleeding for prolonged periods is putting a strain on my relationship with my fiance.
b. I live in pads and they are so uncomfortable and expensive! (I can't wear tampons as too painful!)
c. Have I got new lesions/endometrial tissue growing or even cysts?
More importantly I don't think I can go on like this for another 11months until my next consultants appt! I have a Dr appt booked for Tuesday, not with my GP as she can be very unsympathetic at times and just tells me that it will get sorted!!!
WHAT SHOULD I DO!?!?! Am I over reacting? Has anyone else has these symptoms?
Thanks in advance everyone and sorry for waffling on!!!