Hi all had a Laparoscopy 5 days ago now. ... - Endometriosis UK

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Hi all had a Laparoscopy 5 days ago now. I'm doubled up in agony and am finding it hard to walk. And I have horrendous pain in shoulders.

ClaireMckenzie1980 profile image
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ClaireMckenzie1980 profile image
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17 Replies
Hellsbell80 profile image

Hi Claire the pain in your shoulders is the trapped wind. During the lap they pump your tummy with air to inflate your stomach so they can see what they are doing during surgery however when they sow you back up there is trapped air inside and it tends to go into your shoulders for some reason, I had this so no panic, I found a hot water bottle helped me a lot, the pain will get better I promise, everywhere is just bruised from the laser and your insides being shoved around but you fell better in a few days x

CaraBoo profile image

I second what Hellsbell has said - a hot water bottle helped me - and doing as little as possible. Find a position you can get comfortable in (for me it was propped by pillows on the sofa) and stay there. I also found taking windeze or similar helped, even though the trapped wind wasn't in my tummy. The bruising will pass - and that achiness. Take pain relief and arnica pillules to help with internal bruising.


Bokkie profile image

Hi. I found drinking peppermint tea did wonders for the painful shoulders. I also had painful ribs and it helped them too!

borderali profile image

you got GAS girl!!! It will pass try to get someone to rub between your shoulders and almost burp you like a baby, it gets on the move then, I think the gas pain is nearly as bad as the actual op.

take It easy hope you recover well.

Blackcat1 profile image

Heat pad on your shoulder eases the pain, peppermint tea also. It has taken me 2 weeks to start to feel better, I've been in a lot of pain too, so give yourself time to heal. It took 8 days for my shoulder pain to go away and i was exhausted too, so sleep as much as you can. Rest and try not to worry, it will get easier x

Seaside1 profile image

Hi Claire, I remember that shoulder pain well, but don't worry it will ease and in the next few days will completely go. Like the other ladies are advising hot water bottles and heat pads can help. If walking is too much for you at this stage just try to walk as little as is possible and give your body time to recover. Five days is not long after surgery, I only felt normal again after a couple of weeks. They should have given you some painkillers to take after surgery but if pain is really bad maybe ask GP to prescribe you some more. Take care, rest lots and am sure you will feel back to your normal self soon x

Jordo profile image

As much as you don't want to move, walking around will help the gas absorb much quicker. My mother forced me to walk every half hour (not a ton, just get moving) and I recovered very quickly.

hayls profile image


I had several "attacks" of gas pain after my most recent lap and agree with everyone else that getting up and moving is one of the best things, also sitting up as straight as you can really helped me, I spent most of one night on hospital sat in the hospital chair rather than the bed as it was the only thing that didnt set it off and helped to shift it. It really is the worst bit, I really screamed at one point and got really worked up but it will start to pass. You will also start to feel better slowly but surely, I couldn't walk properly for about 10 days this time but did try to get up and move a little around the room every hour or so (couldn't stand up straight though!) - just make sure you keep on top of painkillers x

flossyk profile image

I agree with the Peppermint tea and slowly moving around.

Make sure you take enough time to recover though, I went back to work after 5 days, worst mistake ever.

Get well soon hun.x

HotWaterBottle profile image

Hi Claire,

I had a laparoscopy just over 2 weeks ago which included having my organs separated. As has already been said the shoulder pain is trapped wind. Use peppermint oil mixed with Bio oil and get someone to massage it into your shoulders, this really helps! Also have them pat your back, like being winded, really does the trick. A hot water bottle is also a must

I was having difficulty walking for the first week or so, I didn't see much improvement at all and felt quite down-hearted, but now I'm on the mend and feeling much better.

Hang on in there, it will get better :)

Dear86 profile image

Hello Claire

So sorry to hear you're in pain.

I've had three laps in 18 months and am very familiar with the pain you describe in shoulders.

I had it around my diaphragm too.

Hot water bottle and heat pad did wonders but I found the quickest way was to slowly walk around the house for five minutes a few times a day. But don't overdo it - only do what is in your tolerance levels.

Wishing you a speedy recovery


Impatient profile image

Definitely the GAS attacks. You have to belch and fart that gas out of you as quick as you can, keep moving (yes i know it hurts) and take pain killers, and get it shifted. It doesn't take much gas to cause shoulder agony, so absolutely avoid all gassy food and drink adding to the problem, and do whatever you can to get it out of you as soon as you can...farting and burping. You will fell 10 times better when it is finally all gone. Apoligise for being graphic, but it is the only way to be rid of that gas.


MzCtee profile image

I used baking soda water..it cleared up in about 15 mins after ingesting it.

Starry profile image

For anyone like me searching for tips to cope with this, position wise i finally managed to get to sleep with an extra pillow under my upper body making my ribs and diaphragm raised a bit so I wasn't totally flat, seemed to give the gas more space so less painful. For my it was my diaphragm above my tummy that was hurting worst. "Attacks" was definitely the right word for it.

Maddysmom profile image

I know exactly what you mean! I just had laparoscopic surgery to get my gallbladder removed and the gas pain is killing me. Ginger ale seems to help a little as dos moving around. Hoping to try a few of these other ideas too. I also had a sharp pain in my groun area two days ago as well and needed to take my pain meds and use an ice pack on my tummy to get relief.

Seabreezed profile image

Hi, I was in awful pain shoulders, chest and under ribs, it felt like I couldn't breathe and I felt really sick. I was drinking peppermint tea and had hot water bottle on my shoulder which helped loads but It was when I was standing I felt worse, even though they say walking helps it, I couldn't bear it.

But I found an article on google that said lie flat with pillows under your hips to elevate them and stay like this for 15 mins and it worked, had a tiny bit of pain left and woke up next day fine. If it doesn't shift it first time you can always repeat. Just thought I'd share in case it helps someone like it did me.

My daughter had the same pain in her shoulders. She was in agony even with the heating pad. I gave her GasX. Then I rubbed between her shoulders blades and gently patted her back. This made it worse. She was crying in pain, but then I gave her 40 mg of Protonix. This is a medicine prescribed for reflux and heartburn. 30 minutes later all her pain was gone. It may not work for everyone, but this type of medicine, over the counter or prescribed, or using baking soda water seems to be helpful. Hope this spares others from this pain.

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