before my first lap I always had pain and spotting on day 12 of my cycle and unfortunately this has started again. I am just wondering if anyone knows why endo causes spotting?
before my first lap I always had pain and spotting on day 12 of my cycle and unfortunately this has started again. I am just wondering if anyone knows why endo causes spotting?
I can't really answer your question as to why you spot prior but I also spot 5 days prior to my period. It's really annoying as its a long time to bleed before you period. Maybe it's something to do with hormone levels throughout your cycle?
Sorry not much help! If I find out I will let you know
Take care xxxx
Thanks I feel your pain, not nice to spot before the period!!
I had spotting and pain before my first op and then it stopped, after my last lap, for eight months or so and then it started again recently so I think it might be related to the amount of endo one has, but not sure.
Take care xxx