Update - Went to consultant today basically while I was on the Zoladex injection and I should have been on HRT aswell. So now I have to have 2 more injections with HRT see how I get on then they are going to do a Full Hysterectomy.
UPDATE: Update - Went to consultant today... - Endometriosis UK
Sorry to hear you're having to have further injections. Do you mind me asking how long you were/ will have been on Zoladex for?
I'm being treated with Zoladex and HRT which is finally been a success, I do have panic attacks and have collapsed due to the fear of the injection so the less amount of time I can be on it, the better. The consultant did advise me that if the Zoladex worked, he would be looking at a hysterectomy (thankfully after too long!)
Hope everything goes well for you
I was on them for 6 months. It's been 11 weeks since my last one. It helped a great deal for me put not enough to go back full time work. Was a bit suprised he offered a hysterectomy so quickly as I have not been diagnosed. Only that he thinks it gynae related because my pain went down. Thank you for replying. Big hugs X