I have been tested for soy allergy and oat allergy (and am waiting results) as my digestion had gone into free fall and ended up at my GP's suggestion on a low FODMAP diet. This brought to light these 2 issues I kind of knew I had - but as far as soy goes - no idea how bad. The last 2 years I have had no energy, could not smell or taste properly, and would get moments when I was literally lying on the bathroom floor in agony with my heart pounding - or scratching myself silly with random rashes, coughing and sneezing almost constantly every day. No one checked me for allergy until now.
As I have now cut both out of my diet I am feeling tons better, but I am finding I am getting rashes and very sore throat after eating pork - and twice eating chicken I have just ended up vomiting. Could this be soy traces in the meat? I know soy is used in a lot of our food - but I am pretty sure it is used in animal feeds too, or is there something that links these types of meat. This doesn't happen all the time - but its enough to stop me wanting to play Russian roulette at the dinner table! I am amazed how much soy is hidden and not listed as soy too. I am starting to re-introduce foods and finding normal bread without soy has been a proper 'mission impossible'! Thankfully found 1 eventually.
Could do with advice - as even if this turns out to be 'intolerance' I need help!