I suffer from runny nose & sneezing all the time. This is not seasonal coz I started suffering from it since I was 19 and i'm 25 now. So far, I've tried all kinds of antihistamines and check up from specialists. But, whenever I treat my runny nose & sneezing, I get a postnasal drip which makes me cough instead of sneezing. Now, I am taking nasonex spray on my nose, and my sneezng and runny nose is lessen, so of course, i have now post nasal drip. whoa, anybody here knows what shud i do to cure myself? or have the same situation as mine? no allergy triggers that happen, i just sneeze and sneeze then after, non-stop runny nose come out from my nose. Just imagine in crowded places, it happens also,... plus watery eyes, and the worst case is my sense of hearing gets affected also. (sigh)
Non-stop runny nose & sneezing: I suffer from runny nose... - EFA
Non-stop runny nose & sneezing

There are many thing that causes this problem you have described to me! If you can keep a food diary, anything goes into your mouth. In Lloyds pharmacy they sell a lase light for nose to help with many issues. Check and see if this can help you. Perfume, after shave, cleaning chemicals, pealing veg, eating fresh fruits, opening a book, opening a magazine, opening a news paper, opening a felt tip pen, etc causes problem to, some time I do not notice that my nose in dripping until some one tells me or I taste the salt in my mouth. It is under control by taking Zertik allergy anti histamine, it is very expensive, not available on NHS. You can give this a try, once a day, check with your local independent chemist or ask your GP.
Thank you for your time to read my problem. But i eat or not eat, smell or not smell (inhaling substances) it still happens to me. Sometimes, i use mask also to be able not to smell anything. Btw, that laser light you mentioned, does it work for you? With regards to taking medication, it does stop if I take medication but will come back after i finish taking medication. You know that even there is medicine availble, you cannot use it lifetime, it has limit, maximum three months as per the prescription of doctor. and am afraid to use it above the limit coz it has side effects too if prolonged use.
Hello Windy03, Bala and anyone else who find this relevant.
I too have allergic rhinitis, in my case since I was 29 (now 76). After the birth of my eldest son. I had a severe cold, which would not go away. Testing found I had allergies to house dust mite and airborne moulds mostly. At the time, it was controlled by a number of injections given to immunise me against these things, and it worked for many years (however, I have read that this is not a procedure used routinely in the UK anymore, perhaps because we now have all the anti-histamines available). However, for about 20 years it has very gradually crept back into my life, not sure why or how! I am sure prescribed medications (for high blood pressure and cholesterol) are involved, but have to take them. I, also have itchy, runny, tired eyes which I combat with prescribed Sodium Cromoglicate eye drops, used for short periods till my eyes settle down. I use an anti-hystermine in the same way if I start a sneezy patch, or am going to socialise away from home. Just this year I have started to sneeze a lot when the weather has suddenly got chillier (a common thing in the UK). I stop this by putting on an extra clothing layer and/or a thin scarf round my neck! Anything that works is worth trying however odd it may seem to other people - try it out and see - as long as no drugs are involved it cannot be harmful.
Hope my long experiences help get thing into proportion best wishes to everyone - Curleytop1.
Would it be possible for you to let me know the antihistamine you use?
Do you get any problems with fresh fruits and veg?
Hello Bala, thank you for your reply. Regarding the antihistamine, I started off using Beconase, which was very successful. However my pharmacist recommended Beclometasone Dipropionate, which he said was the same active ingredient, but quite a bit cheaper to buy, so now I use that. I am lucky in that I need to use it only occasionally, so it lasts for absolutely ages, and is just as good, but the actual applicator is not so smooth to use sometimes. Another thing I use is a thin smear of Vick's Vapour Rub Ointment (comes in deep blue jars, looks like Vaseline and has a distinctive smell). This I put into each nostril on the fleshy part and it helps clear one's airways and makes falling asleep easier. I have to say it is not recommended on the instructions to use it in this way, but I have done it for at least 20 years with no discernible problems (originally in sheer desperation). Again, for me this is something I have to do only occasionally which is why I cannot pinpoint what actually causes my allergies.
Regarding problems, I cannot use anything with chillies or raw onion. Both cause my eyes to become sore, a bit swollen and runny especially the onion, and chillies have a bad effect on my lips. The swellings can last for 2/3 days. In cooking I use leeks instead and just use alternative herbs like parsley,thyme and a little black pepper (no salt) to give flavour. I prefer not to eat too much food containing gluten as it can upset my stomach, although I am not celiac. I have often found that people, including me, who have these reactions also have siblings or other members of their families who are also sensitive.
If you do try the Beconase, the bigger Supermarkets, Sainsburys and Tescos especially, and Boots' chemists often have it on 'special offer' so look out for this.
Hope to be of some help - good luck Curleytop1.
Hi windy. I feel you. Have gone through the same things. And I always sit with a tissue in my hand because my nose gets runny after I have food which is generally spicy. Apparently, I have sinus too so maybe that further aggravates the symptoms I guess. Fortunately, I did read about a solution online. It's Cow's ghee. But it has to be pure. It's best if you ship Desi A2 Cow ghee from India because anything else won't work. I've read this treats migraines and I know for a fact Migraines dont go away easily. So, it also works for Allergies, Sinus, epilepsy, migraines, and any brain related disorder(also helps depression, anxiety,insomnia,etc.) is what I've read. So, the treatment is: You slightly warm up some ghee and use it as nasal drops before going to sleep. 2 drops each nostril. Put it in the nasal passage and inhale/suck it up so that it makes it's way through the brain. I'm doing it twice a day for 3 months. I suggest you do it as long it takes to cure your symptoms.I too have just done it for some time now so have to wait on the results.But what has kept me going is none of the actual over the counter medicines worked yet and only given me side-effects. This is worth trying and has already reduced my frequency of migraines.
Cow's ghee sounds good...anything rather than over the counter drugs! Thanks for the info DSAP.