Supplements/tablets for non allergic rhinitis - EFA


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Supplements/tablets for non allergic rhinitis

7 Replies

Hi I'm not sure if this the right community for this post. I suffer with non allergic rhinitis. I live in the UK. Antihistamines don't work. Are there any other tablets I could take that would be good for this?

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7 Replies
MrUnhealthy profile image

Also suffer from chronic sinustis of baterial (dental) source. I have found winteroil has made a huge difference. Its basically liquid asprin so its a Non steriod anti inflammatory, and anti bacterial.

I cannot use any steriod sprays as its bacterial sinusitis.

You can buy it for 99p in home and bargain as 'bells muscle rub'. This stuff is 8% pure winteroil, so all you need is a drop of the gel under your nose to clear your sinuses as it evaporates and you breath it in.

n0am profile image

Hi I keep getting hayfever symptoms very intermittently, I've been to the Drs and they prescribed Antihistamines & nasal sprays which also don't seem to work for me :(. So I'm now trying to work out what the root cause is, it's now middle of November so it's defo not hayfever also when I'm out near trees etc I seem fine. I then started thinking it's dust mites, my dog or something at work in the office, but last week I was 100% fine from Monday to Thursday and then on Friday when I came to work the sneezing, constant runny nose & runny eyes started and lasted all day. So my theory of being allergic to the dog or dust mites is out of the window as I was fine from Mon ~ Thursday. I'm now starting to think maybe it's food related?

Has anyone else experienced anything similar?



Yorkie239 profile image

I had similar what seemed like hay fever two years ago and treated it with antihistamines. It eventually went away. Nothing the following year, then back again early this year. Nothing worked an tried different sprays from GP. Eventually paid for private tests. Confirmed it was not polyps and then has blood test for allergies and it turned out to be dust mites. But I still did not have a solution. Went back to trying spray that worked initially and it has been more effective. Find out what it is and the only way is test.

n0am profile image
n0am in reply to Yorkie239

Thanks Yorkie, I do have an appointment with Allergy unit but not until March 2020! So if it does turn out to be dust mites (which I think it has to be) then how can you poss avoid them? Also I'm in the same house/work office 5 days a week & most of the days I'm fine and then out of the blue I get the symptoms, sneezing, itchy nose & constantly running etc. So is this what you experienced? i.e. out of 7 days you were fine for 3 or 4 but you'd experience the symptoms randomly?

I'm also thinking could it be down to cheese /wheat?



Yorkie239 profile image
Yorkie239 in reply to n0am

There is advice about avoiding dust mites. One is to replace carpets with wooden floors, replace curtains with blinds, etc but I have seen comments saying this is not effective. There are mattress covers and also electronic devices that are supposed to stop them breeding. Advertising claims there are clinical trials proving these devices are effective. I'm not convinced.

My experience is that I just have a blocked nose and don't have the other symptoms, but I have them most of the time. Breathing is better outdoors. Tablets and sprays don't seem to work, or work for a short time. I'm giving cetirizine tablets and Avamys spray another go and they seem to be working again, but the mites do not like cold so perhaps the colder weather is helping.

You could try Sudafed spray which is a decongestant and is not supposed to be used for long periods, but it clears my blockage in a few minutes and lasts for hours. My consultant agreed to me using it at night so that I can breathe and get to sleep. It is said to make the problem worse but my understanding is that it dries the nasal passages and I notice that it dries my mouth and throat but that is preferable to not breathing properly.

n0am profile image
n0am in reply to Yorkie239

Thanks Yorkie,

I am thinking it's dust mites or my dog (I've had dogs all my life), anyway one thing that's REALLY confusing me is I had really bad symptoms at work yesterday & nothing changed in my routine, but today I'm fine? Do you/anyone think it's possible that the reaction/s could be delayed from original exposure?

I'm hoping the answers yes as this would/could explain my random symptoms I get.



Yorkie239 profile image

My symptoms vary and I have not asked about this. I think you really need to identify the cause.

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