Have Allergic Rhinitis and House Dust Mites, hayfever really bad at the moment with really bad itchy eyes and ears tight head and cough. Seen ENT Consultant but in the last couple of weeks it's become really bad. I am on all the meds for this but still feel awful. Has anyone got any other ideas I could try please.
Allergic Rhinitis: Have Allergic Rhinitis and House Dust... - EFA
Allergic Rhinitis

I had this for year then was prescribed a nasal spray. So sorry I can’t remember the name of it but it began with an F. That and antihistamines stopped it
First minimise your exposure to dust mites. This isn't easy as they are very invasive of homes, offices etc. Allergy UK had information on dealing with it. Carpets, bedding, soft furnishings are all places where dust mites can thrive. It helps to minimise your exposure to them With regard to allergic rhinitis are you allergic to pollens or other air bourne allergens? It helps to know what they are so ask for an allergy test.
Using an air filter (hepa one) at home or work will cut down your exposure to most allergens. Using an antihistamine daily and a nasal steroid can help. I also find using a nasal wash twice a day helps; in the morning and at night before going to bed. Washing your face and eyebrows before bed ensures allergens are at a minimum before bed. Imagine every allergen particle is a like a piece os soot, you need to get rid of them to minimise your reactions. It takes time to build in the necessary changes to your life style but it can make a huge difference to your health. I have a lot of allergies and my son has a dust mite allergy it is possible to live well with it.
It might also be worth asking your doctor about the availability of anti allergy treatment e.g. immunotherapy etc. Antihistamines can make you feel tired and sometimes it is trial and error as to which ones suit you best.
Www.dust-mite.co.uk I got 2 plug ins to help the babies eczema, I think its helped, along with regular Hoovering including his mattress
Hi ,I've just been given meds for the same thing, I also had had it for 7 months, been taking meds for 12 days so far, and suppose to continue for 12 weeks not much improvement at the moment, how long had you been taking your meds?? The ent specialist said. my nose was full of allergies when he put a camera up my nose
I've sent you a reply yuchu
Use black seed oil, 3 drops in each nostril, laying down, it will clear your congestion as it did mine, that out the uses of black seed oil, I've been on prescribed meds from ENT for a year and it didn't help , the oil have relief from day 1.