Transplant planned... how does it goes i... - Early CKD Support

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Transplant planned... how does it goes in reality? any advise?

ROXE profile image
17 Replies

Hi, I have a transplant planed for April, my husband wil be giving me one of his precious kidneys!! I feel really lucky considering my rate is 15% at the moment and I will be avoiding dialysis at all.

But, how does it works? Do we go together to hospital? one of us goes the day before? Would we be in diferent rooms after?

Maybe silly questions... but I don't have next visit till 27th of March...

Thank you in advance,


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ROXE profile image
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17 Replies
Viviola profile image

Hi Roxe. Congratulations. I too am hoping to go to transplant later this year - my brother is going to be my donor. I too am currently at 14-15% so hoping to avoid dialysis also. My understanding is that you go to hospital together as some final blood tests will need to be done before the op. Your husband will be in theatre slightly ahead of you - they remove his kidney and after a bit of a clean up and wash out they bring into the theatre where you are ready and waiting. Not sure about seperate rooms after - guess it depends on the hospital. Could be lucky enough to have a side room with 2 beds or could be seperated if they operate a male and female ward system. Best of luck and if you get any tips beforehand I'd be grateful if you could share them. :-}

suziecute2 profile image
suziecute2 in reply to Viviola

hope all goes well how far are you into testing for your brother to donate? Its a long process but well worth it x :)

ROXE profile image
ROXE in reply to Viviola

Hi Viola,

Thank you!!

Will let you know if I find out any more :)

I hope your transplant will go ahead too!!

Best of luck!


suziecute2 profile image

congratulations on transplant, I donated kidney to my son 2years ago and so far all well his levels were only 8% but still avoided dyalisis, Yes you both go into together separate rooms,husband will be checked over bloods re-done and put on drip night before just fluid they bloat up kidney as easier to remove. He will go down first approx about hour or so before you,on return you will still be in separate rooms until both fully awake,next day if hubby ok he will beable to come see you as you will be poorly for about a week, we were in birmingham QE and staff were great,any questions answered straight away, What ever you need to know let me know if I can help I will...x :)

ROXE profile image
ROXE in reply to suziecute2

Hi, Suziecute2,

Thanks a lot! I am really happy to hear you both are fine!!

I am actually more worried about my husband going into theatre since it will be his first ever.

I had two kids and also an hernia operation in my neck so I know a bit more.

How long did your son stayed in Hospital?

And you?

They told us my husband should be between 3 and 5 days and me one week...



suziecute2 profile image

Hi we had ours on the monday morning I was home by the wednesday tea time, I was very sore for about a week,but back at work within 6 weeks, not as bad as anyone thought it would be, my son was in for week, then had to go back daily for bloods,but wouldn't release him until he knew all his drugs backwards, I think thats been harder for him, all the tablets, but he too was back at work within 6 weeks,driving after 4, It's not as invasive as you might think, also depends on the person, attitude towards op itself and afterwards. did they give you counselling? But on the whole I don't feel any different to before, My son still has check ups monthly,after op it was daily for first two weeks then every 3 days then weekly then monthly, it should change to 3 monthly but my son had few other problems so check him more often . Your hubby should be checked again by transplant team after about 6 months then yearly. x

ROXE profile image
ROXE in reply to suziecute2


Wow, amazing the recovery from both of you!!

I did not get counselling, I have seen it all with my father who was 6 years transplanted before he died by heart complications and with my aunt that is now for 15 years in dialysis.

I am very positive since I have known that dialysis would come since I was 16 and I am now 38, just amazed that things have changed so much that even now they can avoid dialysis completly!!

Also when my father was transplanted 20 years ago he spent a month in hospital in a steril room and we could only see him through glass!!

Medicine is amazing and I am very positive!! My father was my best example, he went into surgery for his transplant (from dead donnor at the time) like if he had won the lotery!

Thanks a lot once again!!


fenal profile image

my dad gave me his kidney . i have since written a book about it

this blog


has first few chapters . chapter 4 and 5 concern what happend just b4 and after the transplant..

if blog doesnt have these chapters - cannot recall how many chapters on blog - let me know and i 'll send them


ROXE profile image
ROXE in reply to fenal

Hi Mick,

I alredy read your blog before since you posted it in this page in another place but as far as I could find in your blog there is only the history until you graduate and go back to your ward for dialysis.

I must say it is an amazing history, yours, a pitty you did only paperback and not electronic publishing of your book like for kindle in Amazon.

I would definetly buy it to have in my kindle.

Hope you are doing fine now!



fenal profile image

i can extend blog to cover later chapters - just say

ROXE profile image
ROXE in reply to fenal

If possible I of course would like to read your transplant experience,


fenal profile image

i put chapters 4 and 5 on the blog.

am trying to create ebook but having difficulty getting software to recognise chapter divisions.


ROXE profile image
ROXE in reply to fenal

Your story made me remember when my father had his transplant and we could only visit him for a few minutes throug the glass of the isolation room... Hard times!!

jamie45 profile image

Hi great news,you will both go together when you get to the hospital things will start to move quickly,but your situation is a better one as you will be receiving a kidney from a living donor,which means that your new kidney will be blood & oxygen rich.You are very luckyi have had to have dialysis for four years now & I am sick of it,it is miserable ive been so desperate that I have thought of ways to commit suicide to release myself from this burden that I find myself captured in.So go for it your op,will last around two hours then your be placed in I.C.U.(intensive care unit) for around 3 - 5 days then on to ward within a week you should should be going home,your partner is a very generous person you have a second chance of life now GO FOR IT!!! youll be fine youll both be together so good luck all my love to you both james45.

ROXE profile image
ROXE in reply to jamie45

Hi Jamie,

Yes I feel very lucky!! Sometimes I remember 19 years ago when I just met my husband and had to explain him about my policystic kidneys and what he was getting into... never ever crossed my mind that we would get to this point!! back then there were not living donnors . I must say when the doctor propossed it to me i refused!! In my country living donations are just starting and you are placed in the tranplant list only once you are in dialysis. I was like... No way!! As long as my own kidneys are working and I am not in dialysis why should I have a transplant??

On the other hand my aunt who is 65 has been on dialysis for 15 years now!! Her brother (my father) was lucky to get a transplant after 4 years and he left us just one day before his 52 bday because of a heart surgery after six very good tranplanted years.

My aunt was too called for a transplant and went into theatre just to wake up and find out the doctors couldn't find a proper vein to connect her possible new kidney and had to close without doing the tranplant...

Still many years on she is still around, yes, on dialysis but enjoying live as much as she can!!!

we never know what life wil bring but since I was 16 and I found out I have lived my live fully!!!

It is still worth !!!!

Hope u will get your chance soon too!!

Take care! Thanks for your good wishes!!


You and your donor may find this useful

Pages of useful stuff compiled by transplant recipients :)


ROXE profile image
ROXE in reply to

Thanks a lot J!! Will have a look!!!

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