This time last year I was 16, doing my AS levels at school and living a normal teenage life with my future perfectly mapped out. Then, my kidneys completely failed with no warning and after spending a weekend at home being sick after even a sip of water, the gp rang on a tuesday evening and told my mum to take me straight to the admissions ward, where that night once my parents had left, somebody I didn't know woke me up to tell me I had renal failure. I didn't even know what that meant.
I spent three months in hospital after that including a week and three days incredibly heavily sedated in ICU with pneumonia and have had more painful and intrusive procedures than I can count. But it's now that I'm out and trying to make a new life for myself that I'm starting to struggle.
I have dialysis 3 times a week at the hospital and am also trying to keep up my saturday job, do a college course I started in September as I'd missed so much school and stay in touch with friends. It feels like everyone else copes fine, the person nearest my age where I dialyse is late 40s maybe so there;s no one I can really talk too, so I pretend that I do too but really I'm so tired all the time and it's got to the stage the hospital is one of my favourite places to be as I know what's going on there and there are so many people I would genuinely count as friends (mainly staff) that I miss it when I leave.
This, in turn, makes me really sad but it's true. Does anyone else feel more at home in hospital than anywhere else? Also, has anyone else had to rebuild their life when they were quite young, if so how did you do it? Please help me get back on track!