CKD diet- please help me: Good morning I... - Early CKD Support

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CKD diet- please help me

mackes profile image
27 Replies

Good morning

I have recently been diagnosed with CKD and I desperately need to take control of my diet which will help me mentally as well. I have read so many different ways to address diet. Know that everyone’s diet is different depending on blood results but I would like to find a programme that actually works and gives me a structure. Please help🙏 thank you😀

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mackes profile image
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27 Replies
orangecity41 profile image

Maybe best you contact your Doctor and ask for referral to a Dietitian. My CKD diet is based on results of blood work (sodium, phosphorus, potassium and protein)

mackes profile image
mackes in reply to orangecity41

Thank you😀

Pisces101 profile image

The DASH diet is generally recommended. More plant based. Otherwise: increase water, avoid fizzy drinks and dark sodas in particular (coke), low salt, careful with red meats (I have stopped eating meat from 4-legged creatures altogether), careful with processed foods (ready made foods, sausages, etc) - eat healthy and balanced! If all blood tests show normal range, you might not need to worry about that - but your doctor should be able to advise. There are cook books available with healthy choices. And web sites. But exercise is also important. Regular. Getting enough vegetables is quite challenging! Especially since I travel a lot..

lowraind profile image
lowraind in reply to Pisces101

Webtter. Cookbooks usually have only a few recipes that are useable.

Pisces101 profile image
Pisces101 in reply to lowraind

You might find more here?

lowraind profile image
lowraind in reply to Pisces101

I have various resources that I researched when I was first diagnosed in 2017. I just wanted to comment that cookbooks generally have only a few recipes that are actually practical and applicable. When you use online resources, you have much better ability to pick and choose what makes sense for you. There are many, many resources, and don't cost you a lot of money for something that is not very helpful.

mackes profile image
mackes in reply to lowraind

Thank you lowraind, yes make sense. I am wondering if I need to count anything with meals such as protein, fats etc….

lowraind profile image
lowraind in reply to mackes

That would be for a nephrologist and a dietician to help you with. Their recommendations should be the result of what you tests are showing. -One author who I found particularly helpful is is Mathea Ford, RD/LD. I have found that her books have been quite helpful. Particularly :

-Living with Chronic Kidney Disease--Pre-Dialysis;

-Create your Own Kidney Diet Plan (which I have done in order to track sodium, potassium, phosphorous and protein, as well as carbs and calories);

Sno125patrol profile image

I am at stage 3A and my doctor referred me to a dietician. She said at this stage there are no major restrictions unless your blood tests show any different. She said eat a healthy equally proportioned diet focussing more on fruit and veg. Maintain a healthy weight and control portion size when eating. She also said be careful of salt and processed foods. I was also advised to drink 2.5 litres of water a day.

mackes profile image
mackes in reply to Sno125patrol

Really helpful, thank you😀

OldTownhammock profile image

The simple answer is to ask your medical provider to refer you to a renal dieticians. I asked mt doctor for one and he said I don't need one

oceansplash profile image

I was in the same boat 3 yrs. ago and finally found two facebook groups that were the answer to my prayers. The 1st is Plant Powered Kidneys has a lot of good info. (they also have a website) and Natural Kidney Journey which I'm in which is also plant based total whole food (harder to get in - takes time) This one is more rigid with tighter controls. People have had very good results with both. What is your gfr?

mackes profile image
mackes in reply to oceansplash

My Gfr is 58. I am 45 years old. I am still in shock and find it hard to process it all. I was hoping that ggr would be inaccurate as I am 6ft tall. I have asked the go to run wide range of tests and he said he wants to talk to me ( meaning that there is something not right, surely) all my blood count ok, sugar ok, must be lipids/ cholesterol. I now need to stew for the whole weekend before I can find out….

mackes profile image
mackes in reply to oceansplash

thank you oceansplash I have now joined these groups👍

oceansplash profile image
oceansplash in reply to mackes

Your welcome! Plant based eating takes stress off kidneys and hopefully helps to slow ckd down. Hope it will help you too!

oceansplash profile image
oceansplash in reply to mackes

Your gfr is only a couple points below "normal" so try not to worry too much and see what the doctor has to say. It takes more than one visit to determine what's going on.

SN23 profile image
SN23 in reply to mackes

As Oceansplash mentioned your numbers are borderline and you can really benefit from the two groups that were suggested. I particularly like NKJ’s advise on cutting down oil, going plant based, whole grain ( and limiting that too) etc very beneficial. Of course eat to your labs and take supplements only as needed. I think most people may need (based on labs of course) D3 and B 12 ( especially if you are plant based) at a minimum. Their suggestions for sodium through natural sources has been very helpful too. Wish you the very best🙏

katieoxo60 profile image

Hi Mackes, the post replies to you are very interesting . I am diagnosed recently as CKD 3 nothing to worry about its normal for kidney function to lower in older age group. Although my blood test says my B12 is low which is normally due to liver problems often found in alchoholics, was prescribed 3 months of Folic acid (B9) which caused a change in my health not for the good. It seems no one knows what to do in matters related to CKD which I find quite concerning. I was given no diet advice etc I had to look it up, I would try Kidney UK Care if I was you as I found them very good in respect of diayalisis needs for another patient. High Blood Pressure is often associated with poor kidney function and can be the cause of it too. Every best wish with finding a good diet for your need.

SN23 profile image
SN23 in reply to katieoxo60

If you have low B 12 why weren’t you prescribed B 12? That is really an easy fix with supplements.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to SN23

That was my sentiment. But seems maybe 0ne of our GPs does not know which vitamin is which or just experimenting to see if others work ? Or maybe fobbing off with the cheapest.

SN23 profile image
SN23 in reply to katieoxo60

B12 is available over the counter. You can easily get it and let your gp know and she can monitor your levels through your labs to see if you have reached the desired range. I think B12 is a very important vitamin for a variety of reasons. So good to get that within range.

purple-1974 profile image
purple-1974 in reply to katieoxo60

In my family three of us have pernicious anemia, myself, my father and my auntie, a hereditary condition where we don’t make enough red blood cells. The normal line of treatment is to start with folic acid supplements prescribed by the G.P. If this is successful then you carry on with this alone, but if it becomes unsuccessful then they will prescribe B12 injections and folic acid together as one doesn’t work without the other, if both levels are low. None of us drink alcohol so it’s not always because of being an alcoholic. My renal consultant suggested a diet high in leafy greens and broccoli and brown rice and although not high levels of meat and fish but to still increase my diet, in animal protein like dairy and cheese, to increase my intake naturally in B12. I hope this helps you.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to purple-1974

Thank you purple-1974, I was prescribed folic acid B9 but last week I was told I had taken it for three months so did not need to take anymore how do they know that's OK without a blood test. ??? I feel like I am being messed about plus the fact the tablets made me very ill . Enjoy your day

Willowdene profile image
Willowdene in reply to katieoxo60

hi Mackes I’m CKD 3 came as a shock 75 and always been fit well. My Gp says common at my age many people have it. Found on routine check. Don’t forget all our organs deteriorate as we age. I dip stick my urine occasionally to check protein etc. drink 2 litres day. Live a normal life and stop worrying. I don’t drink at all or smoke. Okay reduce meat a little. Have searched internet re renal diets but they all conflict and end up confused, one says don’t eat tomatoes other say no probs so I gave up.

mackes profile image

katieoxo60- it is absolutely shocking that the GPs don’t inform patients that their levels are low. They are so complacent about this, no preventative measures. I am trying to find a dietitian. Same here, GP just said we will monitor and refer you to nephrology when it drops to a certain level. Uhmm let me think- no thank you! I had to fight to get full blood panel and all the other tests. The GP was happy just to do the minimum kidney function test😱I also highly recommend the Dadvice TV- I have learnt so much already. There is a retired nephrologist and many renal dietitian on the show talking about CKD. It was recommended that we all need to take daily B D and C vitamins( there might be others too but cannot remember it all) My whole life has been turned upside down. I just really hope that with good diet and find the root cause will help me to stop the progression before it’s too late and I can see my children growing up🥹

SN23 profile image
SN23 in reply to mackes

You are in a good place and proactive. I am sure you will do well🙏. Addressing the underlying cause specially if it is blood pressure or diabetes will be very helpful.

Keep track of any protein in the urine. There are many treatment options and trials happening right now if the underlying cause turns out to be an autoimmune disease like IGA🤞🙏

All the very best to you. And I agree totally with your comments about GPS. They really need to be be educated about the perils of waiting for too long.

Newstarter2016 profile image

hi Mackes. I have recently used kidney kitchen section of kidneycare.

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