So after receiving the news... - Early CKD Support

Early CKD Support

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Angie2020 profile image
15 Replies

So after receiving the news of a egfr flow of 59 I was shocked. Fast forward two weeks to the day and I receive the news my egfr is 78 now. What is going on? Apparently my egfr flow has been swinging backwards and forwards since 2014. Then it says on my blood test, 'normal kidney function or stage 2 CKD, mildly reduced kidney function, if there is other evidence (persistent microalbuminuria, proteiniria haematuria, genetic KD or structural abnormality) of KD. I'm assuming if they find none of these things over a certain amount of time in my tests that they're saying I'm normal? Don't get it. 78 isn't normal for a 51 year old is it or is it?

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Angie2020 profile image
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15 Replies
orangecity41 profile image

My eGFR also varies but by 10 points. It is an estimate. I take all eGFR results and come up with an average to see where I am at. Best to discuss with your Doctor as to why this is happening in your case.

Angie2020 profile image
Angie2020 in reply to orangecity41

I'm under investigation but I have a feeling that if they don't find a reason for all these symptoms that I'm going to have to fight for more tests and my instinct tells me it's thyroid related even though my test results show as normal. So did my mums but she has an underactive thyroid. Let the fight begin lol

Sally10255 profile image
Sally10255 in reply to Angie2020

My problem was determined with an ultrasound. Kidney not draining. Basically the thought is a kidney stone wreaked havoc inside my kidney. I have one great kidney, the other not much. My numbers are way down but yet it is the reading for one kidney. Maybe ask about ultrasound then go from there.

Jess3636 profile image

78 is normal! from what I've been reading...that's great news that it went up so much you should be happy...I'm new on egfr was 58 and I'm 36 I'm so worried and fearful that I haven't gone back to the doctor! Hopefully I will find it within me to make an apointment could be that you had dehydration I've heard that affects the numbers

Angie2020 profile image
Angie2020 in reply to Jess3636

It went from 59 to 78 in two weeks and apparently it's the best it's ever been jess. I'm not sure but I put myself on a stage 3 kidney diet and I'm wondering if that did the trick?

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41 in reply to Angie2020

78 is a good number. Renal diet does help. In my case eGFR increased with the diet, but since after 2 years am back to original eGFR (54) when diagnosed. Keep being pro-active.

Jess3636 profile image
Jess3636 in reply to Angie2020

Yes I think it's your new long have you been on it? Are you drinking a lot of water lately?...I'm on the kidney diet also just started hopefully I get some good results like you did.. so far I've lost four pounds in less than a week...I've been having a hard time dealing with this news I'm trying to relax but I'm very worried..

Angie2020 profile image
Angie2020 in reply to Jess3636

I was only on it for two weeks inbetween the two gfr readings and I'm making sure I never get thirsty because some days it felt like I'd eaten a bag of salt! Also never hold your wee in until you're desperate for the loo! That's bad for the kidneys too.. Like you I had a hard time dealing with the news and I ended up in A&E with what turned out to be a massive panic attack lol. Anxiety causes alsorts of frightening symptoms so try and relax and do something you enjoy to stop thinking about it. Download a breathing app on your phone if you suffer panic attacks.You will be ok in a few weeks when it's sunk in. I felt like I couldn't breath and it was so scary. I've calmed down since and I take comfort in the fact that my gfr levels have been up and down for years with no obvious symptoms even whe n I was abusing my body and I can now take control of my diet knowing I'm helping my kidneys and not hindering them. Just make sure you get enough protein and calories for your age and weight. Add more carbs from rice, pasta and bread if you're struggling to maintain body weight and add mono and poly fats like olive oil and cold pressed rapeseed oil to dishes to bump up calories.I lost about half a stone when first diagnosed but I've stabilised now. Also take comfort in the fact that there millions of people out there walking around with ckd and never get diagnosed because it never progresses. I'm also taking a glass of warm water with lemon juice an a half a teaspoon of tumeric every morning.It's yucky but tumeric and lemon juice are supposed to be excellent sources of anti inflammatory foods

Jess3636 profile image
Jess3636 in reply to Angie2020

Thank you for your advice Angie!.. I been reading a lot this past week about all this I was reading somewhere someone said that only 1 in 5 people with stage 3 CKD will ever have kidney failure...I don't know how true this statement is tho.. but like you said it does make me feel better that at least I can eat kidney friendly now before my diet was bad I hope to that my numbers go up and that it was a result of dehydration I wasnt drinking a lot of water now I am I do find that I have to urinate frequently. I'm going to download the breathing app you said I could use that..if you ever feel bad or need to talk you can message me I'm online a lot lately lol..let's continue to be positive we can do this!

Angie2020 profile image
Angie2020 in reply to Jess3636

Yes stay positive and your egfr level can be lower simply because you are dehydrated. Make sure you drink plenty before a blood test and try not to worry like I did because it will just make you ill. I feel great now I've changed my diet and I'm back to exercising again which I haven't done for 6 months. Get as much reassurance from people on here as you can because it does help and there are some very knowledgable veterans of ckd on here. Hope it's calmed your mind a little. Will be on here again so see ya soon and get plenty of R&R

Jess3636 profile image
Jess3636 in reply to Angie2020

I'm feeling better today and I'm drinking a lot of water I cut out meat salt and all sugar I'm only eating pasta with very little olive oil and sauce and bread..I've changed my diet completly! Have a great weekend Angie! :-)

Sally10255 profile image

Creatinine is also an important number.

Angie2020 profile image
Angie2020 in reply to Sally10255

I don't know how how to work that out on my lab results. It says 69 so is that 0.69?

Sally10255 profile image

.6-1.1 are generally normal range for creatinine , mine are always donethat way. As well my lab results always give the range as well, low, normal, high

Marvin8 profile image

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the likely reason that 4/5 folks never make it renal failure is because they probably die of heart disease or stroke....the main negative side effects of bad kidneys. Risk of heart disease and stroke due to kidney disease is something like 10-20 times what the normal population is. - Johnny Raincloud

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