Does everyone have to have a kidney biopsy before they can have dialysis.
BIOPSY: Does everyone have to have a... - Early CKD Support
generally a biopsy is taken if there is a serious decline in function or you have other underlying symptoms like proteinuria, which haven’t responded with medication. Most of the time renal consultants will prefer to use ultrasound to determine your kidney condition but not all can be detected by this way, which is why a kidney biopsy is necessary. Although it is a small procedure it does cause more damage, in my case I was told that it would be more harmful than helpful to have a biopsy as my kidneys were smaller than normal and already very scarred
Your question caught my eye, I've never heard of anyone having biopsy of the kidneyfor dialysis The reply is good information, I was told I had Kidney cancer but biopsy was not suggested only possible removal. its good to here of others experience don't you think. ? Think most biopsies of internal organs might cause some minor damage that might or might not cause lowering of its function especially if its function is already reduced. Best wishes with stabilising your illness. husband went on dialysis without having biopsies of any sort done. It was clear cut since he's a diabetic - the leading cause for kidney deterioration. If there is no known reason for kidney decline, biopsies may be ordered to determine cause, severity, and possible treatment of a kidney disorder. Since they do take tissue from the kidney, as others have said, it's only done when necessary.