Hi. New here. I'm totally confused. I've had same UTI symptoms since December. Went through 3 rounds anti-biotics from urgent care. Still hurt, heavy pressure, sharp pain, burning, pain in sides & back. Saw urologist in Feb, he ordered US on kidneys/bladder...and X-ray on urinary system. I picked up results; they said "chronic cystitis; hemateria;acute UTI". No stones or masses. I went back to urologist on 3/20/18 (yesterday). He did a cytoscopy that day. He looked at reports and X-rays in person, said I have no infection, all is
clear. No cystitis, etc. He said it's just the hormonal imbalances causing inflammation to the outer lining of my bladder, causing the pain. I'm 57, so makes sense. But, because I have thyroid problems, endocrinologist said I cannot use any hormone products or creams. Urologist said there is one, but very expensive, not covered by insurance, so that's out. He said there is nothing to give to help this pain. It's bad some days. Anyone else this problem?
Also, I brought a CBC report for him to see, done on 2/12/18. It was originated from my pain management, due to showing neuropathy. (I also have fibromyalgia which I read commonly has chronic cystitis associated with it).
Anyway, it showed:
eGFR of 36; BUN of 27; Creatinine of 1.58. Albumin of 4.4. BUN/Creatinine ratio of: 17. Potassium $ sodium & Chloride all good.
So all numbers are normally except GFR and BUN. I was on anti-biotics when test was done if that matters.
I was told that my numbers are normal, come back in 6 months. I'm kind of wondering why bother if there is nothing to be done for the bladder pain and kidneys are normal.
The urologist did NOT ask for family history. My mother has 25% functioning kidneys, has gone through dialysis, etc. My younger brother ended up in a hospital late last year with bleeding ulcet and kidneys functioning very poorly.
I'm reading how ppl have diets for kidneys and thinking, how would I even know to do this if I'm told everything's normal? I have been a salad fanatic for quite a while now, I read that raw veggies are good for kidneys. My gastro tells me not to eat those, due to sluggish digestion, but I do anyway. I eat low protein already, as it's harder to digest. I know I have to work on water intake. With the sluggish suggestion it's hard because i feel so bloated with too much water intake. But I'm trying hard.
I see my GP on 4/6. I'm wondering if I should ask for a second opinion or even ask for a referral to a nephrologist and just skip the urologist.
I'm probably just reading too much into this... But tired of being so tired, which increased in December, tired of all this.
But wanted to see what others thought. Thank you for anyone who takes time to read this and reply!