Recently i test my creatinine. it is 1.6. i am only 24.i have no major symptoms. i have pain in my right lower ab-domain when get pressure for urination. After 10 days i test it again it is now 1.2. i also did USG and usg report said both kidneys pelvis system mild dilated .... now what i do ?
Creatinine increased !: Recently i test my... - Early CKD Support
Creatinine increased !

Hi, I am not sure what it means that kidneys are dilated. My numbers had been off. My doctor sent me for ultrasound that showed one kidney was swollen as they put it. Then I started having lower spasms and urinating wasn’t the best. Ends up, I had a kidney stone. It was a strange set of events. The stone dropped and I had more pain. A CAT scan showed a 6 mm stone down low. I was scheduled for outpatient surgery. Not knowing, the stone had passed but doctor looked around at kidneys. He put in a stint to help me go better. It has helped. He thinks the stone had been in there awhile causing damage...therefore numbers way off. My other kidney is working at 100%. Great luck on yours.
r u r creatinine normal?
It wasnt too far off, according to how I eat, exercise, dairy free, dont drink or smoke, numbers just didn’t make sense. This the reason the doctor ordered scans.
but google says if creatinine increased then kidney must have damage.... I am scared about it...
You could also try raw apple cider vinegar I take a tablespoon each morning. I think it helps and at worst can’t do you any harm
First thing is look at your diet and exercise (even just walking) I was stage 3. Now and stage 2
stage 2 means how much creatinine?
Go to Or Davita. Com I think they’ll give you good info and stop worrying
Oh and one more thing I also go to a web site THE MIGHTY and read a lot no it's not all about kids and ckd. But it helps me to understand what kids go through and there parents that if they can fight from the time there baby's to ECT we as adults can to take your health in to your hands and fight you know your body better then anyone else.