hi. Haven't posted in while. My duff went up from 40 to 70!! But now test just came back that my albumin/creatinine ratio is slightly above normal. Should I be concerned?
All kidney tests normal EXCEPT albumin/ ... - Early CKD Support
All kidney tests normal EXCEPT albumin/ creatinine ratio

Personally I wouldn't be too concerned about a slightly high ACR and I'm quite my mum's nephro wouldn't be as he wasnt when it had steadily increased to well above normal range at 15.7 mg/nmol (or ~139 mg/g) last time out.
He seemed more content with her 24h protein fig of 0.26g (NHS unconcerned at least if <1g) and steadily increasing egfr. Hopefully no worse after today's retest π€π€
What's your protein figures and I hope you've increased your egfr (or duff!!) naturally like mum ?
Thank you for responding. My duff ( hee hee) gfr went from 35 to 70!!! ( Had AKI).your response helpful and encouraging. I see my nephrologist Friday just for my six month check up. Will let you know what he says. Take care.
A slightly high ACR means kidneys are still spilling protein. It is a cause for concern and should be investigated further to see what's causing and get on meds to help stop some of the protein spillage. Meds such as ARBs and SGLT2 are great for that
Thanks. For >3y, we have continually questioned mum's nephrologist about her increasing urinary protein but he has been unconcerned. For example:
(i) 18m ago he stated that her increasing protein "wonβt ever be a worry".
(ii) ~3y ago, he stated "ACE inhibitors are possible but N/A as BP is OK, so no action".
Meanwhile, her urologist's comment on her urinary protein 2.5y ago was "Nothing of concern, leakage varies from person to person".
It appears that they (NHS) believe that 24h protein is the gold standard and mum's has not exceeded the 1g lower level limit (at least yet π€π€). nhs.uk/Livewell/Kidneyhealt...
And, to be fair, her ACR hasnt yet reached the "severely increased albuminuria" level (ACR >300) associated with progressive egfr decline. Her egfr doubled over 4y to ~60. π€π€kidney.org/kidneydisease/si....
Re "what's causing it", I suspect that her increased protein is because she has a solitary kidney following a nephrectomy almost 7y ago. There's various scientific papers and expert comments supporting that view e.g. niddk.nih.gov/health-inform...
I'm unable to find references re the use of ARBs or SGLT2 that reduce protein specifically for solitary kidney - DO YOU have any? Im aware they may do that otherwise but even the above NIDDK solitary kidney article does not refer to ARBs for protein. And its maybe unwise to consider medication (with side effects) unless absolutely necessary.
So, in summary, we must reluctantly hope the medics know what they are doing in terms of monitoring mum's kidney. Test results today/tomorrow may influence matters π€π€.
I don't have any information on solitary kidney and SGLT2. Thanks for giving me the info on your mom. That's interesting. Everyone has a different situation and story. I'm sure her Dr could answer those questions. I'm on an RlARB which knocks down my ACR into normal ranges and helps with hardening of arteries
Sadly none of mum's medics including nephro have been very helpful and, as indicated, quite dismissive of her proteinuria. I will ask her to raise the specific case of solitary kidney and proteinuria in her next tel appointment and also to interrogate further the best indicator. As indicated, they appear sold on 24h rather than ACR (which has risen significantly again in yesterday's results).
Im unfamiliar with RIARB specifically but trust youre aware of the risk of serious side effects and some ARBs "pulled"? See 1st link below from medics, I have other scientific papers on this. Along with other side effects eg raised potassium (2nd link), this is mainly why Im concerned about mum being prescribed and using for a while.
I have been on ARB since 2017. I've had zero issues with potassium or any other side effects. It does knock down gfr by about 30 percent but my gfr has been raised by 15 points or so over the course of 7 years. I've been told it reduces proteinuria by 35 percent
What was your number? Mine was recently 17 mg/global creat. Anything from 0-30 is normal. 30-300 is moderately increased. If yours is above 30 then yes I would be concerned and investigate further. That is the #1 predictor of kidney decline.
17 mg/g is what I meant.
Do you know what's causing your high ACR? I would visit with your Dr about being put on ARB or SGLT2 meds if you're not already on one.
Hi silverfox. Thanks for all your input. Don't know what's causing higher acr but I see my nephrologist this Friday and will report back. I was put on losartan for kidney. Its an ARB, put on it when I had the AKI. But that got all better so don't know what's going on. Will report back friday! Thanks.
I meant advil above not advice. Autocorrect passes me off
Hate autocorrect as well! I'm an ex smoker. No diabetes. I had high blood pressure on and off but always controlled by meds. Never go near Nsaids!I don't know. Could it be some residual effect of AKI? Guess ill find out something tomorrow and will let you know. Peace and take good care.
It could be a residual effect I think. I wonder the same scenario with myself. I mean once our kidneys are damaged it's kinda been done I think. I'm not sure though I'm not a Dr. The problem I have either my Dr's is they don't always give us all the information. That's why I think it's important to self educate ourselves.
Hi silverfox. Well, saw my nephrologist today. Because all my labs were good and ACR only slightly raised he thought ok...the losartan will help and we'll keep eye on it. I see him again in six months