Hi there, I am Stage 3a CKD. I have just received the results of my blood test which showed my serum creatinine to be 89. My gfr was 55. Da Vita website sent me an email test saying if you enter your serum creatinine it will tell you at what stage ckd you are. I entered the details and was shocked and upset to see it said I was at Stage 5. How does this happen when I am told I am Stage 3a? I am very confused and upset. Da Vita is an American website. I wondered if someone can explain this to me please
Creatinine of 89: Hi there, I am Stage 3a... - Early CKD Support
Creatinine of 89

With a eGFR of 55 you certainly are NOT at stage 5, As Da Vita is an American site perhaps they measure differently to the UK. ?
I'm sure someone on this site with more knowledge can explain.
I have just googled my info/eGFR on an English site, and it was spot on, I'm at stage three with an eGFR of 39 creatanine of 122
I agree with bowler. An eGFR of 55 certainly doesn't put you in stage 5 CKD, whatever the creatinine reading says! CKD3a sounds about right.
My eGFR has just risen from 39 to 43 (CKD 3b) with a creatinine of 110 measured in a UK lab.
Doubtless, the US have different calculating methods.
just listen to your nephrologist, stage 5 you would be dying
I am in Greece and I think we must use the same scales as America, my husbands creatinine is 4.3 when it went to 5.90 the nephrologist admitted him to the hospital and recommended fitting a fistula. His score is now 4.30 so the panic is off for the moment. eGFR is never mentioned and I find it confusing as we are English and can't equate the two scales.
Thank you all for your comments, which makes me feel much better. Can you tell me bowler which English site you googled which sounds more logical? I saw a nephrologist privately 4 years ago when I was first diagnosed as my GP wouldn't allow me to see one on the NHS, only if I was at Stage 4. I haven't seen the nephrologist since so rely on information and help from this site. I will stick with UK information from now on as it seems the American site calculates the readings differently which can be very confusing.
Thank you Cathy83. This calculation from the Renal Association gives me peace of mind that I am still at Stage3. I shall use them for calculations in the future 😊