62 yo male in great shape all blood and urine tests are normal EXCEPT my Creatinine and eGFR. My Creatinine in 2002 was 1.4 and for past 17 years has fluctuated between 1.35 and 1.5. I am having a hard. time understanding how I have Stage 3A if nothing has changed in 17 years!!! Is it possible that the cut off point of 1.2 (normal) is not normal for me and that 1.4 is my normal??? I work out with weights 3 x week and stair master 3x week.so I have a bit of muscle but not heavy.
Elevated Creatinine for 17 years no change - Early CKD Support
Elevated Creatinine for 17 years no change

What is your egfr? Are you consuming a lot of protein?
I am 64 and my Gfr has been in the fifties for many years. My blood pressure is always good and although I have type 2 diabetes my a1c is usually around 6.0 or so. My doctor says that kidney disease is really a poor term as many people have stable kidney function.
It is entirely possible that your creatinine level is normal for you. I'm the same age and with the same numbers. My creatinine was 1.1 for 20 years, within the reference range, and now it's at 1.35 or so. Doc said I've got a good amount of muscle and that that may be the reason. On the other hand, I was dehyrdrated for many years...never drank enough. Had an ultrasound and found that I have a little echogenicity and although one kidney is 10cm (bottom of normal), the other is around 9.2 cm. What I would suggest is to have an ultrasound, but the problem with that is that in order for insurance to pay, you need a diagnosis of kidney disease, which will then bias the ultrasound technician into finding problems. Trust me, it happens. The other thing I'd do is demand a cystatin-c test. Some young nephrologists use it in place of creatinine in estimating eGFR, while older nephrologists tend to be dubious. From what I've read, using both creatinine and cystatin-c together in a combo formula is "probably" the most accurate for determining the chances of getting end stage renal failure. My cystatin c gave me much more positive news than my creatinine. Last creatinine gave me an eGFR of 56. Cystatin-C gave me an eGFR of 85. Combined, I'm at 72. But you really need to do more research and ask your nephrologist more questions. Then take everything he/she says with a large grain of salt to raise your blood pressure.
Seriously, try to ease up on the salt in your diet and make sure you drink a good amount of water...ie...at least 2 liters a day. And call me in the morning.
Everyone is different. What does your PCP say about your numbers and you working out so much at your age? Have you considered running instead of weights? Maybe a 1/2 marathon? See what the Doc says and go from there.
The gfr calculation is age based. As your age changes so will your gfr figure. Your age change is likely just tipped you into the 3A stage CKD.
Just watch your sodium, red meat/ protein intakes at this stage. Also watch the soda's, and power drinks definitely not cola's and especially not diet soda's. The chemical colouring and sugar supplement are definitely kidney killers and bone eaters, the chemical colouring will eat the bone ( osteoporosis ) and the sugar supplement will kill the kidney function. If your kidneys were 100% it is only recommended 1 medium glass of diet sodas per day, max. Basically start getting used to reading labels for the nasty s not conducive to kidney function, no need to panic yet but a little caution goes a long way now.

Thank you so very much for the answer. So Is it possible since my Creatinine level is the same as it was 17 years ago albeit elevated with no change that It can remain the same? Does this mean I will progress to end state 5 or could it stay the same for another 40 years so I can live to 100?
It is all possible. A lot depends on what you do about your diet as this can make some gains in gfr numbers. Another thing to watch is prescription medication.
I'm stable at gfr 43 (67 year old) the last few years but have been able to improve this by ditching the addiction to diet coke and less red meat in the diet over 18 months to gfr 53
I just had a hit to my gfr of 15 points in 8 weeks due to one weeks worth if medication. I stopped it immediately I found out what it does to kidneys, (Dr should have known better) it was supposed to have a half life of 40 hours in the kidneys. After 90 days of waiting I have had my gfr bounce back to gfr53. My gain is solely to diet as I'm unable to and possible a little unwilling to exercise if I'm honest with myself. I believe a gfr 60 is normal for our age group, that is my goal, so is some basic exercise!
I basically won't eat anything I can not guarantee what is in it and how it was made, store bought, restaurant or home made. Fast food is now only a vague recollection of a time past, as is any soda's. I'm diabetic with IBS and some other contributing issues, but still I have been able to improve the gfr, so it isn't difficult.